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5.2 典型签证准备范例(5)

http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/06/21 14:31  新浪教育

  15) Give me three reasons that you will come back to China?

  First, my achievement in industry needs a strong network support. My MBA alumni, the future top management in China, is my greatest treasure when I come back to begin my own career. But I don't have such a strong network in the States. So definitely I will come back. Second, there is always a huge gap between the
supply and demand on the oversea Chinese finance expert in domestic market. But I don't have advantage over American native if I compete with them in US job market, let alone the cultural difference. So definitely I will come back China. Third, my family, my parents will be in their 70's when I graduate. I must come back to support them, to fulfill my responsibility as a son. So, you see, definitely I will come back.

  16) Can you explain why 90% Chinese students didn't come back?

  Are you sure about the number? The last time I came here for Visa in 1999, the Visa officer told me it's over 95%. So you know, more and more Chinese students are coming back. Finance is a highly culture related field. As you know, the best business Chinese students go for advanced research in US, and we are highly welcome by domestic firms. We will be offered comparable salary and even higher position than in US.

  17) Why do you choose this Univ.?

  There are 4 reasons making Buffalo distinguished. First, my future advisor, professor Kee H. Chung, the chairman of Buffalo's finance department, is the leading scholar in my chosen area, corporate governance. Second, based on the latest ranking by US News and Business Week, Buffalo has one of the best business schools all over the world. Third, Buffalo also enjoys high prestige in China. In 1984, under President Reagan's help, Buffalo established the first US MBA program in China. President Reagan himself announced the opening of the program in his trip to China. Buffalo does have good prestige in China in both academic community and industries. Fourth, Buffalo's program is a small one. Actually, they only admit one finance PhD each year out of hundreds of applicants. It means that I will have much more opportunity to cooperate with the faculties, to discuss my research work. Here are some articles from Buffalo's website, on the rankings, on the schools, and on my advisor. Wanna have a look?

  18) Why do you like your major?

  Finance is all about the management of fund, and everyone need finance himself first. So I like finance.

  19) Why do you want to study in USA?

  First, modern finance theory originates in the States. Fama built the foundation of efficient market theory, Porter hypothesis the corporate finance theory. Finance research is more systematic is US. Second, I can get the cutting-edge information and education program in the States. But in china, finance is just an emerging subject. We have stock market from 1991 and mutual fund market in 1998. It is too short to carry out a mature finance PhD program. So I want to study in USA.

  20) Why do you want to pursue a doctor's degree? / You will have your MBA degree soon, why bothers another 5 years to pursue a doctor?

  My career plan is to be a financial specialist in corporate merger & acquisition transactions in domestic market. A MBA degree is far from enough for me to realize my plan. A US PhD degree is an important credential for me to realize my career objective. It will lead me to the kernel, to touch the essence of financial transactions. Actually, we use more and more modeling and quantitative analysis in the corporate control management and pricing. This expertise does need a lot of training in school

  21) Why do you receive financial aid from this Univ.?

  As you can see from the offer letter and supporting letter from the school and my future field advisor, I have demonstrated both outstanding academic performance and great working experience in my application, so the school gave me the offer to support my research at Buffalo.

  22) What is the difficult class do you have?

  For me, the most difficult lesson I had is the business law, not only in class but also in the market. You know, there are thousands of different regulations and laws currently in China. Some are justified, but some are not. They produced huge obstacles to our finance guys in practice. But, anyway, we must keep all the provisions in our mind.

  23) Do you want your wife to go with you?

  I am single.

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