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5.2 典型签证准备范例(7)

http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/06/21 14:31  新浪教育

  10) What do you do with your work for BS/MS/PhD?

  During my study in University of Maryland I will do the research about the useful and efficient image processing techniques for the food quality and safety.

  11) What is your purpose for the Visa?

  I want to get an F-1 Visa, and to pursue my PhD degree in University of Maryland in USA.

  12) What is your academic background?

  I got my Bachelor's degree from Southeast University in year 2000, and I got my Master's degree from Southeast University last month.

  13) How do you know this Univ.?

  University of Maryland is one of the sister universities of Southeast University, and there are many academic intercourse between University of Maryland and my university in Nanjing. I have taken part in some of the intercourses.

  14) What is your plan? What will you do after graduation?

  My favorite choice is to come back to China and join my current research group in Southeast University. I want to be an expert in my research field.(只是我的第二选择,如不问,则不说I want to find a leading position in East Image Company in Shanghai。Topic。)

  (如果针对第一个计划提问)I have told you I will study bioimaging and image processing for food quality and safety. This field has a bright future in China in next 10 years. (先说有广阔前景)

  My Chinese advisor also realizes this trend, and he told me he wants to use the image processing techniques into the field of food quality and safety. He plans to found a new research group focusing on that research. So he hopes I can come back to work with him. I have my advisor's supporting letter with me, would you like to see it?(这段说明我回实验室的理由)

  (下面这段是对国内广阔前景的展开,见机行事)You know China has a very huge population, so providing enough food with high quality and safety is one of the most important things we should concern. But not like in the U.S. there are many bioimaging machines for the farmers to inspect the quality of the food they produce; in China many farmers only use their own eyes and hands to inspect their production. Obviously it is inefficient, even incorrect some times. So developing some automatic bioimaging equipments for the food quality and safety is quite promising in China. Meanwhile this research is strongly supported by our government (You know the newly elected premier Wen Jiabao told our people, the new government will pay more attention to the research and development of the Chinese agriculture). It is obviously that market about this research field is also quite promising. That's why I want to come back.


  East Image Company is one of the important imaging equipments manufacturers in China. It has very good relationship with my lab in Southeast University; actually my lab is one of the most important research bases of East Image Company, and my advisor Prof. Luo Limin was invited as the chief expert of this company. Every year the company provides a large amount of funding to our lab for the research. Now many students from our lab work there. I hope I can set a research department for food safety and quality in this company after I come back. I am confident I can do many creative jobs there.

  15) Give me three reasons that you will come back to China? (关于这个问题的详细原因我已经在14问中解释了。)

  1. I will come back to China and join my current research group in Southeast University, and my Chinese advisor welcomes me to come back to work with him. I have his supporting letter with me, would you like to see it?

  2. What I will study in the USA has a bright future and a huge market in China than in US, also our government strongly supports it.

  3. I am the only child of my parents, and they spent too much time and energy on me. I love them, and I think it's my duty to take care of them when they are old. Also I have many good friends in China. The very good relation among us means much to me.

  16) Can you explain why 90% Chinese students didn't come back?

  Really? I don't know. Maybe different people have different ideas. But to me, I want to come back definitely. Just like I have told you, there are many reasons for me to come back.

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