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5.2 典型签证准备范例(14)

http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/06/21 14:31  新浪教育

  5.2.7 边霁

  Maryland/ME上海交通大学 本科

  案例特点: 全奖+上海签证


  Version 1. 包括所有问题

  1)What will you study in the United States?

  Mechanical Engineering in University of Maryland-College Park, and my specialization will be Thermal Fluid Sciences.

  2) What is your major? In what aspect of your major will you study?

  SHORT: Currently, my major is Thermal Energy and Power Engineering, which is a branch of Mechanical Engineering. And I will go on my studying in this aspect.

  LONG: Currently, I'm an undergraduate majoring in Thermal Energy and Power Engineering in Shanghai Jiao Tong University. My current major is a branch of mechanical engineering in UMCP that is thermal fluid sciences. What I'll focus on is refrigeration and energy conservation, mainly about integrated energy system: BCHP (Building, Cooling, Heating, Power). This system can make on-site power generation for buildings, and meanwhile, the thermal energy that otherwise is wasted can be utilized to provide heating and cooling for the building, which is more efficient and environmentally benign.

  3)What will you do in USA?


  I'll study in UMCP for about 5 years to get my Ph. D. degree in mechanical engineering.

  4) Are you going to study in USA?


  5) When/where did you get your BS/MS?

  I'll get my BS from Shanghai Jiao Tong University this July.

  6) What/where are you studying now?

  I'm a senior in Shanghai Jiao Tong University now, and I'm majoring in Thermal Energy and Power Engineering.

  7) How long will you study in USA?

  About 5 years.

  8) Have you any scholarship?

  Yes, I'm awarded a Graduate Research Assistantship. It includes tuition waive, subsidization for health insurance and a living stipend of $21,068 per year.

  9) What do you want to study in USA?

  I'll study Mechanical Engineering, specializing in Thermal Fluid Sciences in UMCP.

  10) What do you do with your work for BS/MS/PhD?

  I'll take courses, as well as do research work in the center for environmental energy engineering.

  11) What is your purpose for the Visa?

  To study in the States and pursue my PhD Degree in Mechanical Engineering in UMCP.

  12) What is your academic background?

  SHORT: I'm currently an undergraduate senior in Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

  LONG: I've been studying in the department of thermal energy and power engineering in SJTU since fall, 1999, and I'm going to get my BS degree this July.

  13) How do you know this Univ.?

  SHORT: University of Maryland-College Park holds a high reputation of their graduate education and research work in the engineering field. What's more, the program which I will participate in there is very excellent.

  LONG: UMCP is a famous research university. I first got to know it when I was browsing through the engineering graduate school's ranking page made by us news, and it's among top 20. Then, when a professor in our department knew that I wanna go to the States for graduate study, he recommended this university and the center for environmental energy engineering in it strongly. Then I got to know about this research center in which I will be a graduate research assistant, and I'm really very interested in it. That' how I know this university, and why I chose it at last.

  14) What is your plan? What will you do after graduation?

  Well, if everything goes well, I'll get my PhD Degree within 5 years and back home then.

  Generally, I hope to be a researcher in my field, integrated energy system. This project is important and meaningful to energy conservation and environment protection, and is highly valued. Now there're many big companies that are very interested in this project, and, so far as I know, the government of Shanghai is interested in it too. Currently, my professor in SJTU is discussing with the government about establishing a new research center for this project here, so my first choice will be entering this center and be one of the main researchers in it. Besides, since many big companies who have got their own research centers in Shanghai are also interested in developing this technology themselves, I believe there will be good positions available for me when I graduate. So I can also be a researcher in these centers in Shanghai.

  15) Give me three reasons that you will come back to China?


  1, The reason why I'm now leaving home is to some extent for my parents. I'm the only kid in my family. My entering the top engineering school in the States are making my parents feel proud of me; and I believe that, I can provide them a better life when I come back, and, I'm the only one who can, and must take care of them. My parents are moving back to my mother's hometown, Hangzhou, in 2 years after their retirement, and that's a reason why I choose to back to Shanghai instead of Xi'an.

  2, Integrated energy system, which will be my focus during my graduate study, will have a prosperous future here in China, and especially in Shanghai. I'm sure that most companies in this area will have research positions available here then. What's more, my professor in SJTU will found a new research center in alliance with the government of Shanghai, and I can enter this center to go on my research work. I do think I can get a good position here after graduation.

  3, In my point of view, this system may have the best foreground in China than in any other country else. 'Cause we got so many utilities that can cut their energy cost through using this system. And, also, then it will be supported by the government. So I deem what I'll learn in the next 5 years can be better used here.

  Frankly, I don't think any reason is needed for one to come home. At least for me, there's no reason to not back home after graduation.

  16) Can you explain why 90% Chinese students didn't come back?

  I don't know, they might have their own consideration, probably for their career I think. However, I don't think I would stay in the States after graduation. I will have a promising career and I'll be unable to take good care of my parents there.

  17) Why do you choose this Univ.?

  UMCP is a famous research university, its graduate engineering education was ranked 19th by us news last year, and 16th this year. And, the center for environmental energy engineering is highly valued in its field. And that's the very one that I'll do my research work in during my graduate study. What's more, my future advisor there is an internationally recognized specialist in the thermal fluid sciences area, from whom I believe that I can learn much.

  18) Why do you like your major?

  I have to say frankly that this major wasn't my first choice when entering SJTU. However, after 4 years' studying in it, I found it more and more interesting, and also, meaningful to people's daily life and future, and I liked it more and more.

  (长回答加上)Take what I'll focus on for example. Integrated energy system. About 70% energy is cost by buildings today, through cooling, heating, and power supply. You know, in most cases, electric power is generated by thermal energy, and then, some of the power is used for cooling and heating. But in the process, much thermal energy is wasted, and also some electric power is wasted while being used for cooling and heating. This system can make use of the thermal energy which would otherwise be wasted for cooling and heating. Through the using of this system, we can conserve much energy and meanwhile, protect the environment.

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