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5.2 典型签证准备范例(6)

http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/06/21 14:31  新浪教育

  24) Why do you change your major?

  25) What's the difference between your major now and the major in USA?

  Compared with the research in US, China's finance research is rather under-developed. First, in china, finance is just an emerging subject. We have stock
market from 1991 and mutual fund market in 1998. It is too short to carry out a mature finance PhD program. Second, the scope of finance is different in US and China. In US, finance only has 2 sub-categories, assets pricing and corporate governance. But, in china, typically speaking, finance department in university not only deal with corporate finance and asset pricing, but also research international finance and public finance, which are offered by Economics department in US.

  26) Why did you go for a MBA education?

  My career interest is in finance industry, but not academic. So I decided to pursue a MBA degree, which would provide me with extensive training in business administration.

  27) Why did you choose a domestic MBA, but not a US MBA?

  First, my future career is in China, but not in the States. Second, MBA training is a highly practical related one, but not a set of pure theory. So I choose domestic MBA education.

  28) Why your Visa application was denied in 1999?

  Frankly speaking, I don't know the reason. Perhaps at that time my English was not that good so that I made the Visa officer misunderstood me. And you see, I have done much work on my oral English.

  29) What will you do if I cannot issue you Visa today?

  Frankly speaking, I don't hope so. If it does happen, I will pursue my career objective through practice in industry. But, it will greatly damage the research in Buffalo because I am the only finance PhD they admitted this year and postpone my personal achievement. It is a loss on both sides. I believe we both won't want to have that news

  30) If VO wants to stamp on the passport.

  Hold on a seconds please. I am a professional finance guy. I always trade off between risk and return. I am making investment for my future career. Please help me to continue my research in the States.

  5.2.3 朱斌

  Maryland/Medical Imaging 东南大学 生物医学

  案例特点: 研究生+上海签证+一般学校

  1)What will you study in the United States?

  I will pursue my PhD degree in University of Maryland at College Park.

  2) What is your major? In what aspect of your major will you study?

  (In Southeast University my major is Biomedical Engineering, and my specialty is medical image processing, and) in University of Maryland my major is Biological Resources Engineering. My specialty in University of Maryland is bioimaging and image processing for food quality and safety

  3)What will you do in USA?

  I will pursue my PhD degree in University of Maryland at College Park.

  My specialty in University of Maryland is bioimaging and image processing for food quality and safety.

  4) Are you going to study in USA?


  5) When/where did you get your BS/MS?

  I got my Bachelor's degree from Southeast University in year 2000, and I got my Master's degree from Southeast University last month.

  6) What/where are you studying now?

  I have gotten my Master's degree, but I still stay in Southeast University. That is because first I have not got my formal Master's Diploma yet. But I have the graduation certification with me, would you like to see it? Second my advisor in Southeast University asks me to do some work for him. (Such as help the undergraduate students to prepare their thesis, etc.)

  7) How long will you study in USA?

  In 5 years.

  8) Have you any scholarship?

  Yes. I have got the RA from Biological Resources Engineering department. It is full financial support.

  9) What do you want to study in USA?

  I will continue my research and study bioimaging and image processing for food quality and safety in Biological Resources Engineering Dept. in University of Maryland.

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