

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年08月06日 15:48   考试大

  poem ----> literature

  poem ----> literature

  pollution report // be hard to breathe ----> quality of air

  poor quality ----> low quality

  position ----> job

  positive impact ----> benefits

  postpone ----> delay

  pour ----> a lot of rain

  practically had to move into the lab ----> The course took a lot of time。

  practice for the championship ----> spend a lot of time playing

  Practice makes perfect. ----> The time sb. spent doing has helped sb。

  presentation ----> speech

  president // best // all right ----> successful

  pretty ----> attractive

  pretty interesting // spend hours ----> fascinating

  pretty much the same ----> similar

  pretty successful // understatement ----> extremely successful

  problem ----> trouble

  professionally ----> formally

  Professor ~ with a flu. ----> The lecture was canceled。

  project ----> class assignment

  promising ----> likely

  prophecy ----> expectation

  proposal ----> opinion

  push/press/crowd one's luck ----> make too many requests

  put ----> move

  put a lot of hours // one's schedule isn't too tight ----> require a great deal of time

  put everything together ----> complete sth. in time

  put it on paper ----> put down // take down // write down

  put off ----> not complete // delay // postpone // have not do any work yet

  put on ----> play

  put on some music ----> listen to

  put out with sb. ----> upset

  put sth. on paper ----> write sth. down

  put up ----> stay in

  put/lay one's finger on ----> point out precisely

  question ----> information

  quick // What's the rush. ----> There is no need to be in a hurry

  quickly ----> fast

  quit ----> leave // stop

  quite a person // look up to ----> admire

  quite a while ----> a long time

  quite aggressive // take over ----> dominate

  quitting time ----> leave

  rain ----> wet // weather

  rainy forecast // auditorium ----> inside

  raise money ----> make money

  raise the roof ----> extremely angry

  raises the internal temperature of the fruit ----> the temperature inside the fruit increases

  rarely ----> seldom

  rarely ----> unusual

  rave about // quite sth. ----> good

  reach // phone ----> call

  read sth. through again ----> check sth. for mistakes

  read the instruction carefully before using sth. ----> operate sth. correctly

  read too much into sth. ----> could be drawing false conclusions from sth。

  really hate to leave ----> be not ready to come back

  really know ----> mistake about

  really worth ----> reasonable

  Really? // I'm glad to hear that. // How about that! ----> interest

  rebroadcast ----> see him on television

  receptionist ----> secretary

  receptive ... new ... and ... adapt ... different ----> flexibility and open-mindedness

  redo ----> in poor shape

  reframe ----> at the picture framing shop

  refreshments ----> snack food

  refund sb. all but ten percent ----> get most of one's money back

  regret sth. // Just because ...? // Is that any reason to do? ----> reconsider one's decision

  relief ----> cool down

  remote ----> distant

  renew // expire ----> apply again

  repair ----> fix // work on

  reproduce and show around ----> see

  require ----> have to

  research // thesis ----> paper

  research assistant (R.A。) ----> work

  responsibility ----> take care of

  rest ----> sleep

  rest sth. for a few days ----> avoid using sth. for a while

  return ----> get back

  review ----> go over

  revise ----> review // rewrite

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