

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年08月06日 15:48   考试大

  five ----> several

  fix // take care of // handy ----> repair

  fix up ----> work on

  float on the air ----> be excited

  folks ----> relatives

  follow the example of ... ----> follow suit

  following the Civil War ----> Post-Civil War

  for a while ----> at another time

  for more space ----> be well attended

  for the third time this month ----> again

  forcing the mixture through tiny holes ----> squeezing liquid through small holes

  forecast ----> expect

  forget ----> not think // quit

  form ----> paperwork

  forward ----> deliver // send

  four o'clock ----> afternoon

  four weeks ----> one month

  free ----> flexible

  free of additives ----> without additives

  freeze ----> be very uncomfortable

  from ocean beds that dried up long ago ----> in fossils on land

  from time to time ----> occasionally // now and then

  front-row seats ----> good seats

  fun ----> enjoy // enjoyable

  function ----> work

  furnace ----> heat system

  Germany and France ----> Europe

  get ----> furnish // receive

  get a good night sleep ----> be well rested

  get a lift // take up a collection ----> make a donation

  get a ride with ----> go with // get a lift with // give sb. a ride

  get an acceptance letter ----> be admitted

  get at least a month ----> many things to do

  get away with sth. ----> get into trouble

  get backed up ----> put off

  get going on ----> start

  get in touch with ----> call

  get information ----> obtain data

  get into trouble ----> be in hot water

  get it over with ----> not delay any longer

  get it to talk ----> teach the parrot to talk

  get moving ----> hurry

  get nowhere ----> not get anywhere

  get off the ground ----> have a good talk

  get off the phone ----> hang up

  get out of ----> take one's place

  get out of having to do sth. ----> be excused/exempted from doing sth。

  get over with sth. ----> not delay any longer

  get rich quickly ----> quick wealth

  get sb. to do some of them ----> both (A) and (B) work on them

  get sb. to do sth. ----> someone do sth. // sb. take care of sth。

  get sb. to do sth. ----> ask someone else to do sth. // persuade sb. to do sth。

  get sth. back ----> Sth. be returned。

  get sth. in order // clear off sth. ----> Sth. need reorganizing。

  get sth. out of the way ----> finish sth。

  get sth. started // switch // do the trick ----> turn on sth。

  get there on foot ----> walk to someplace

  get time off ----> take time off

  get to ----> make it to

  get to a phone ----> access a phone // call sb。

  get to someplace ----> for directions

  gift ----> talent

  give back ----> return

  give guided tour to new students // orientation ----> welcome new students

  give off ----> contribute

  give sb. a few more minutes ----> wait a little longer

  give sb. a hand ----> help with

  give sb. a ride ----> drive sb. to

  give sb. a ring ----> call sb。

  give sth. credibility ----> Sth. be false

  give sth./sb. credibility ----> trust

  give two-month notice ----> tell the owner two months in advance that she's moving

  give up ----> quit // no longer // not anymore

  glance through sth. ----> read sth. hurriedly

  go back another time ----> not wait so long

  go easy on sb. ----> lightly

  go home ----> leave for home

  go in one ear and out the other ----> not listen to sb。

  go out of business ----> close down

  go out of one's way for sb. ----> help people

  go through money ----> spend money

  go through the proper channels ----> follow the official procedure

  go to bed earlier ----> get more sleep

  go to dinner ----> ready for dinner

  go to sb. ----> see sb。

  go to the concert ----> attend the performance

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