

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年08月06日 15:48   考试大

  source ----> raw material

  spare ----> another ... can use // extra

  speak before a large crowd ----> speak at meeting

  speak with ----> see

  speaker // I’ll be honored. ----> like to give a talk

  speakers ----> audio equipment

  spend a lot of time doing sth. ----> really do like

  spend hours on ----> for quite a while

  spend most of one's afternoon // practically have to move into the lab ----> The course takes a lot of time。

  spend several hours ----> long trips

  spot ----> location

  spotlight // for years ----> background information

  squint at // wear glasses ----> poor vision

  stack of papers ----> throw out

  staff man ----> workers

  stand at this concert ----> be crowded

  staple food ----> main source

  start ----> be on schedule

  state park ----> national park

  stay in the same place forever ----> never move from one location

  stay put ----> not plan to move

  stay up all night ----> little rest/sleep

  step by step ----> carefully

  step up one's efforts ----> try harder to do sth。

  Sth. be a bit beyond the reach of most sb. ----> Very few sb. could afford to do sth。

  Sth. could be worse. ----> Sth. may not be as bad as sth. seem。

  Sth. don't like direct sunlight. ----> Move sth. away from the window。

  sth. fall on the ground // sth. doesn't work ----> damage sth。

  Sth. is not for sale right now. ----> Sb. plans to keep sth. for the time being。

  Sth. may be for the best. ----> Sth. is probably a good one。

  sth. suits sb. ----> sb. looks good in/on

  stick around ----> hang around

  stick with sth. // eventually ----> It takes sb. a long time to do sth。

  still ----> yet

  still immature ----> not completely developed

  still on ----> continue

  still work ----> keep one's job

  stock shelves ----> put the groceries out on the shelves

  stock up on sth. ----> buy a lot of sth。

  stop buying ----> no longer buy

  stop by ----> visit // talk to

  Stores closed. // Downtown shopping areas became deserted. ----> a decline in the number of customers

  storm // front lawn // room ----> move ... indoors

  street ----> road

  study ----> academic

  study more ----> spend more time on

  stuff // nurse ----> medicine

  sturdy bike ----> The streets are not in good condition。

  submit ----> get

  successful ----> refine

  such a+n. ----> so+a。

  suffer ----> decline

  suit and tie ----> formal occasion

  suitable ----> appropriate

  sunny and warm ----> clouds and cool temperatures

  supervisor ----> work

  sure ----> certain

  Sure thing. ----> It's okay。

  surely know how to do ----> indeed do well

  switch ----> change

  take ----> deliver

  take a break every once in a while // study so long // can hardly concentrate ----> stop studying for a while

  take a close look ----> inspect sth. more carefully

  take a look ----> find sth。

  take a rain check ----> another time

  take advantage of ----> take care of

  take care of ----> repair

  take care of pets ----> walk the dog

  take careful notes // Her exams are based on her lectures. ----> pay attention to what is said in class

  take it easy ----> (get some) rest // feel better

  take it out on sb. ----> make sb. feel bad

  take off shoes // have some lemonade ----> relax for a while

  take one's place ----> fill the vacancy

  take one's question ----> answer/discuss one's question

  take one's time ----> Sb. is late。

  take over // take care of ----> fill in // find a replacement // dominate

  take sth. into account ----> sth. be included

  take the message off ----> not receive the message

  take the problem up with the dorm supervisor ----> discuss the situation with the person in charge of the dormitory

  take this package ----> make the delivery

  take tickets ----> work

  talk ----> convince

  talk about sth. face to face ----> speak to each other in person

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