

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年08月06日 15:48   考试大

  before law and order were established // cheating and robbing each other ----> lawless

  before long // right away // by and by // on short notice ----> immediately // quickly // shortly // soon

  before we start our first lab ----> at the beginning of the semester

  begin one's study ----> an introductory class

  believe ...? ----> surprise

  best ----> delicious // most appropriate

  better ----> improvement // so good // happy

  better off ----> well off

  blow above the shore line hills ----> come from over the hills

  boil down to ----> wind up

  boring // have an/one eye on clock ----> uninteresting

  borrow ----> lend // loan // use

  both ----> either

  briefing ----> be informed

  bring ----> tell

  bring sb. (back) sth. ----> get sb. sth。

  budget ----> price

  bump into sb. ----> see sb。

  burn up ----> furious // angry

  burst ----> overeat

  business meeting // flight // late last night // keep up with that kind of pace ----> have a busy schedule

  buy ----> purchase

  by all means ----> definitely

  by leaps and bounds ----> quickly

  by mail // through the mail ----> in writing // write to

  by the time ----> overdue

  by tomorrow ----> quick

  cake // chocolate ----> dessert

  call an agency ----> hire someone

  call for an appointment // on one's calendar ----> schedule

  call it a day ----> not need to do sth. today

  call off ----> cancel

  can do it with one's eyes closed ----> memorize every part of

  can find only one ----> can't find one

  can hardly breathe ----> be bothered

  can hardly contain oneself ----> be beside oneself

  Can you believe it? ----> unbelievable

  cancel ----> not do sth. // call off // stop

  cancer // doctors and dentists ----> medical // medicine field

  can't // out of the question ----> not be able to

  can't afford a lot ----> select an inexpensive gift

  can't believe ----> be surprised

  can't do (A) until do (B) ----> be not ready to do (A)

  can't fit it in ----> be too busy to do sth。

  can't make any sense out of sth. ----> find sth. confusing

  can't make heads or tails of sth. ----> don't understand sth. at all

  can't put it down ----> interesting

  can't stick around ----> have to go

  can't stop doing // day and night ----> constantly

  can't tell sth. apart ----> sth. seem identical

  can't wait to see the look on one's face ----> be anxious to see one's reaction

  care ----> concern

  cash ----> money

  cash a check ----> get some money

  cassette ----> record

  catch cold ----> get sick

  catch sth. when sth. opens in someplace ----> see sth. when sth. go to someplace

  catch up on ----> make up

  challenge // get stuck ----> solve

  chance ----> time

  change ----> not ... same // different // new

  change one's mind after all ----> had previously said

  change ones' seats ----> from a different row

  check ----> look in // inspect // repair

  check out ----> find out

  check out // reference book ----> inaccurate

  check sth. with ----> call

  check with sb. ----> ask sb。

  chewing gum magnate // purchased the island for three million dollars ----> a wealthy developer

  chilli ... hot ----> spicy

  choose ----> select

  choose ----> decide

  chop down ----> cut down

  class ----> course

  clean out the refrigerator // fix a snack // not many leftovers ----> eat all the food

  clean up ----> put in order

  clear out ----> remove

  climate ----> weather

  clinic ----> infirmary

  close ----> miss

  coat // sweater // late tonight ----> be cool in the evening

  coffee ----> drink

  cold ----> warm

  cold // Arctic temperature ----> winter

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