

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年08月06日 15:48   考试大

  doubt ----> should

  doubt // surprise ----> wonder

  down jacket ----> warm jacket

  down side ----> disadvantage

  downpour // clear up ----> rain

  draft a memo ----> prepare a notice

  drag one's feet ----> make very little progress

  draw on her own experience ----> include some of her life

  draw the line ----> refuse

  draw to a close ----> come to a close

  drawing ----> sketch

  drive ----> ride

  drop ----> break

  drop by // again? // It's only been there an hour. ----> It's too soon to go back there。

  drop in on sb. // drop by sb. // stop by sb. ----> pay sb. a visit

  drop sb. off ----> get out of the car

  drop these letters ----> mail the letters

  drowsy ----> feeling sleepy // make sb. feel sleepy

  drug ----> pharmacy

  dry spell ----> not much rain

  due date ----> deadline

  due date // hand in ----> finish

  due to ----> because of

  during ----> throughout

  each week ----> weekly

  early ----> sooner

  early ----> before the end

  easier ... than ... ----> difficult // hard

  eat meat ----> have meat

  eat up too much my time ----> not join

  either // neither // both // so // also // too ----> agree

  eliminate insects ----> pest control

  emergency loan ----> borrow money

  end up ----> wind up

  enough ----> not any more

  entire ----> new

  escape into the atmosphere ----> suspend in the air

  essay ----> article

  Even if ... prefer (A) to (B) ----> not like to (B)

  every now and then ----> every so often // (every) once in a while // occasionally // sometimes

  every so often ----> only occasionally

  every twenty minutes ----> at timed intervals

  every week ----> all the time

  everybody speak ~ ----> the only language spoken is ~

  everyone ----> very popular

  everything in the refrigerator ----> a variety of ingredients

  exact change ----> right coins

  exactly ----> properly

  exactly // on the dot ----> at the same moment

  exactly round // precise spheres ----> perfectly round

  exams ----> study

  exchange it for a larger size ----> It doesn't fit sb。

  expect ----> anticipate

  expensive ----> cost

  extension ----> on time

  extra work ----> more than the required amount of work

  factors ... lead to ----> causes

  fail to ----> don't

  fall back on ----> turn to

  fall back on one's dictionary ----> look up some words

  fan ----> like to do sth。

  far from being the only one ----> many people

  far from new ----> old

  fascinating ----> very interesting

  faster than ----> exceed

  feeble ----> weak

  feedback ----> opinion

  ferry ----> boat

  few ... sit through // out ... entire ----> most ... leave before ... over

  few and far between ----> hard to find

  figure out // have no idea ----> need one's help

  fill in for sb. ----> take the place of sb. // take over for sb. // take over (one's job)

  fill in for sb. ----> replace sb. // substitute for sb。

  fill one's shoes ----> take one's place

  fill out the papers ----> complete the forms

  fill sb. in on ----> keep sb. informed of // bring sb. updated/up-to-date on

  find ----> look for

  find // come up with ----> prepare for

  find out about it ----> check on it

  fine ----> charge

  fine with ----> go along with // agree

  finish ----> complete // submit // turn in

  finish // put everything together // turn in ----> complete

  first start ----> right away

  fit as a fiddle ----> in excellent health

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