

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年08月06日 15:48   考试大

  collect ----> hunt

  collect and take ----> pick up and deliver

  combine with (A) to do any good ----> by oneself (B) be not useful

  come a long way ----> improve

  come along ----> progress

  come and watch ----> enjoy

  come back ----> return

  come down with the flu ----> become ill

  come handy ----> benefit

  come in handy ----> be useful

  come into money/a fortune/a legacy ----> receive money

  come right out and ask sb. ----> confront sb. directly

  come to ----> attend // go to see

  come up with ----> find

  community college ----> different school

  competition ----> contest

  completely assembled // only partly ----> finish putting them together

  completely unhindered // a single region ----> economically unified

  completely unknown ----> totally new

  components ----> parts

  computer division ----> computer department

  concentrate on doing one's school work ----> spend one's time studying

  concentrate on one exhibit for the day ----> see only a part of the museum in a day

  concert ----> event

  confront ----> argue with

  contest ----> competition

  cook at home ----> prepare their own meals

  corporation ----> company

  correct all the typing errors // read through the paper again ----> check the paper for mistakes

  cost sb. an arm and a leg ----> be very expensive

  costs // pay // twice ----> be more expensive than

  costs of textbooks ----> expensive

  could be worse ----> not be as bad as they seem

  could have a few days to think about sth. ----> would like time to decide

  could have stayed awake long enough to see the whole thing ----> fell asleep before the program ended

  Could you give me a hand? ----> Could I use a hand?

  couldn't go to ----> be unable to attend

  couldn't have hoped for a better outcome ----> be pleased with the results

  count (A) in ----> (A) do sth. with (B)

  count sb. in // happy to report sb. be available ----> want to do sth。

  count sb. out ----> not expect sb. to go along

  course ----> schoolwork

  cover more classes ----> more work as a instructor

  creative ----> inventive

  cross-town schedule ----> information about the buses

  cultural activities ----> cultural offerings

  current ----> more recent

  cut down on the number of people crossing one's lawn ----> keep others from walking on one's property

  dark ----> lack of light

  day in and day out ----> all the time

  decrease ----> slightly shorter

  delicious ----> impressive

  delicious aroma ----> smell very good

  deliver ----> send

  demolish ----> ruin

  depend on ----> reaction ... varied

  design elements ----> design features

  destroy // wipe out ----> destructive

  destruction ----> destroy

  didn't recognize sb. ----> sb. looks different

  die ----> dead

  different ----> not

  director of ----> head of

  disconnect ----> turn off

  discount // have some good deals ----> offer a good price

  discover ----> investigation

  discuss ----> topic

  diversion from // get tired of ----> have a change from

  do ----> work

  do a trial run ----> practice

  do about ----> deal with

  do good ----> usefulness

  do one's best for sb. ----> be happy to do

  do some skating and ice-boating // below zero // stay by the fire ----> in the winter

  do sth. over again ----> redo sth。

  do what sb. did ----> follow one's example

  Do you have a car? ----> Someplace be far away。

  Do you have any idea ...? ----> Do you know ...?

  doctors and dentists // orthopedist ----> medicine

  don't have the key to the post office box ----> be not able to pick up the mail

  don't share ----> disagree

  don't take it out on sb. ----> shouldn't make sb. feel bad

  don't tie up the phone ----> end his conversation

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