

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年08月06日 15:48   考试大

  keep current on the news ----> get reports

  keep jamming ----> be not working properly

  keep on // carry on with ----> continue

  keep someone waiting ----> be late

  keep to oneself ----> not sociable

  keep track of ----> be cognizant of

  keep up with ----> study

  keep/prevent sb. from driving very fast ----> reduce the driving speed

  kill time ----> need sth. to do

  kind of // sort of ----> a little // somewhat

  lab report // class ----> workload

  laboratory experiment ----> project

  lack of jobs // need work ----> employment opportunities

  last week ----> recently

  last year ----> a while ago

  late ----> on time

  late this afternoon ----> later in the day

  lately ----> recently

  later ----> postpone

  later this week ----> future

  latest bestseller ----> recent book

  lay off ----> let go // dismiss // fire

  lay off sb. // let sb. go ----> lose one's job

  leave ... up to sb. ----> decide about sth. for oneself

  leave // be so irresponsible ----> be not careful with

  leave for // make for // set out for // set off for ----> go to/toward

  leave the studio open late tonight // get this assignment done on time ----> need extra time

  leave well enough alone ----> do sth. as is

  lend // on loan ----> borrow

  Let me finish this point, then ----> He doesn't want to be interrupted。

  let sb. use ----> lend sb。

  letter of recommendation ----> reference

  life in the old west ----> historical novel

  lift off one's shoulders ----> be relieved

  light up ----> smoke

  like ----> best selection

  line by line ----> methodically

  listen for one's phone ----> answer/take one's calls

  listen to ----> follow

  look after ----> take care of

  look at the manual ----> read the instruction

  look for a bigger apartment ----> has too much furniture

  look for a needle in a hay stack ----> be hard to find把托福加入收藏

  look on with ----> share

  look over // proofread ----> check // review // look through

  Look who's talking. ----> He should follow his own advice。

  lose ----> shed

  lose one's voice ----> unable to talk

  lose track of time ----> not realize what time it is

  lost ----> misplace

  love // lover ----> like

  love to fish ----> enjoy go fishing

  Lucky you! ----> wish

  magnate // millionaire ----> wealthy developer

  mail ----> write

  mail carrier ----> deliver

  main tool ----> strong effect

  make a come back ----> win

  make a mess of ----> screw up

  make a point of taking a close look ----> inspect sth. more carefully

  make a profit ----> make any money

  make any difference to sb. ----> sb. probably won't do

  make do with what sb. have got ----> do with the material available to sb。

  make ends meet // live within one's income ----> low salary

  make friends ----> meet people

  make fun of ----> laugh at

  make it ----> succeed

  make me promise ----> I had to promise

  make new friend in on time ----> adapt easily

  make one's flight ----> catch one's flight

  make some sketches ----> do some artwork

  make sure ----> confirm

  make the wrong turn ----> go the wrong way

  make yourself at home ----> should get comfortable

  manage to do sth. after all ----> have difficulty

  manage to handle all that ----> do so many things

  many ----> most

  many ----> different

  many miles away ----> far from

  many miles away ----> far

  mark ----> grade

  meat each other half way ----> reach a compromise

  mess // worse ----> clean

  might have found ----> missed

  mild // different ----> cold

  mind ----> bother

  minority ----> few

  misread the price tag ----> not read the amount correctly

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