

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年08月06日 15:48   考试大

  rewrite ----> write over again

  right ----> another

  right after // right away // right now ----> earlier // immediately // (so) soon // without delay

  right now ----> not until ... later

  ring ----> call

  risk ----> danger

  road clogged with traffic/commuters ----> unpleasant

  roommate ----> share their apartment

  roughly every six hours ----> several times a day

  Roughly every six hours, the river reverses direction. ----> The river reverses its flow several times a day。

  rub sb. the wrong way ----> have a negative impression

  run ----> head

  run a temperature ----> have a fever

  run out of ----> not any more

  run well // grow/become attached to sth. ----> be satisfied with sth。

  rush hour ----> traffic jam

  save wear and tear ----> protect // not require very much maintenance

  say ----> speak to

  say ----> agree

  sb. be away ----> not see sb。

  Sb. be going into business for oneself. ----> Sb. plan to start one's own company。

  sb. be new here ----> sb. be unfamiliar with someplace

  sb. be the only one ----> sb. has a lot of work to do

  Sb. have been there a million times. ----> Sb. knows the route very well。

  Sb. insist on being so independent. ----> Sb. should get someone to help with sth。

  sb. would have attended ----> kept sb. home

  schedule ----> plan

  school work ----> study

  scratch the surface ----> far from enough

  screwdriver ----> tool

  seam ... come undone ----> repair

  second ----> another // later

  see sth. easily ----> Sth. be highly visible。

  seem a bit inexperienced ----> be not impressed

  send out ----> mail

  separate // distribute ----> sort

  set ----> definite

  set a place ----> arrange a seat

  set a place for sb. ----> make room for sb。

  set a record for attendance // be not an empty seat ----> many people go to do sth。

  set out for ----> go toward

  several ----> a variety of

  several years ----> how recently

  sew ----> make sb. a new dress

  shake off ----> remove some of the water

  shake sth. a little ----> move sth. around

  share the expense ----> pay for some of the good

  She is still in high school ----> She is younger then he is。

  She probably enjoy anything on campus. ----> He doesn't know what she likes to do。

  shopping ----> buy

  short handed ----> too few employees

  should have read carefully ----> misread

  show ----> tell // teach // be a sign of

  show up // turn up ----> appear

  sign up for ----> take

  significant part ----> importance

  since ----> no longer

  since the week before last ----> for two weeks

  sit ----> seat

  six credits // really need it ----> not do well in

  six miles away ----> far from

  sketch // assignment ----> artwork

  skip it // get up early tomorrow ----> go to sleep

  skull ----> head

  slide ----> transparency

  slip one's mind ----> forget

  snap out of the bad mood ----> feel happy

  so ----> both

  so happy ----> receive a good evaluation

  so it can go around it ----> to find its way

  so many // extra ----> fewer

  so many awards ----> very good

  so much ----> such a large amount of

  so overpriced ----> not be necessary to buy

  so tired ----> too exhausted

  some good deals ----> a good price

  some of the other ----> more

  some other time ----> later

  Some school is very selective. ----> Sb. may not get accepted there。

  someplace be right down ----> go to someplace

  sooner ----> quickly

  sorry ----> regret

  Sounds great ----> wish

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