

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年08月06日 15:48   考试大

  talk sb. out of sth. ----> persuade sb. not to do sth. // dissuade sb. to do sth。

  teach ----> train

  teaching assistant (T.A。) ----> instructor

  tedious ----> boring // uninteresting

  tell me sth. about ----> get some information

  term ----> semester

  terrible // better ----> good

  terrible sore throat // attempt to whisper ----> It's harmful for him to use his voice。

  test ----> exam

  thank goodness ----> relieved

  thanks ----> want

  That’s a big job and you already over committed. ----> He does not have enough time for another activity。

  That's nothing new. ----> Sth. be very common。

  That's odd ... ----> He's surprised ..。

  That's one's opinion. // Most others think differently. ----> Sb. is practically the only one who think so。

  the aroma of the fresh pastry ----> be cooking

  the best ----> successful

  the best news ----> be pleased

  The boiler keeps breaking. ----> The heating system is defective。

  the book is hard to get ----> find the book

  The bus doesn't run that way. ----> Public transportation wouldn't be available。

  The course was closed. ----> The class was already full。

  the day after tomorrow ----> in two days

  The deadline for dropping 's passed. ----> Sb. has to remain in the class。

  the dorm supervisor ----> the person in charge of the dormitory

  the entire thing ----> actually longer

  the first thing in the morning ----> just after getting up

  the hotel desk ----> the desk clerk

  the last ----> certainly didn't // definitely don't // doesn't // don't want // shouldn't

  the last thing ----> definitely don't want to do

  The lock ... is broken. ----> repairman

  the more ----> the entire

  The more, the merry ----> Big dance are the most fun。

  the most effective ----> the best solution

  the most talented actor on campus ----> the best actor in the school

  the noon ----> at 12:00

  the odds are against sb. ----> sb. probably won't do sth。

  the only thing they have in common ----> be not very much like

  the phone rings ----> answer the phone

  the polite route is the most effective ----> Talking to the neighbors courteously might be the best solution。

  the radiation levels 200 times what would kill a human ----> extreme conditions

  the right key ----> try another key

  the rights of consumer and the analysis of the stock market ----> business

  the same as ... ----> change little

  the second show ----> a later show

  the sooner the better ----> as soon as possible

  the stationery place that just opened up ----> the new store

  the ticket counter // the lost-and-found items ----> the ticket seller

  the top grade ----> the highest score

  the very beginning ----> the first part

  the whole day tour ----> a longer tour

  the whole week ----> longer

  The work crew is just finishing it up. ----> The workers are about to complete it。

  There are so many different kinds of sth. ----> Sth. selection is very large。

  There are two sides to every story. ----> Sb. may be partly responsible for the problem。

  There goes sth. ----> Sth. be canceled

  There no need to get nervous. ----> should not worry

  There tow sides to every story. ----> sb. may be partly responsible for the problem

  these days ----> recently

  think ----> be confused

  this month's newsletter ----> publish right away

  thought ----> idea // issue

  Thousands of times ----> many times

  three or four ----> more than one

  thrill and adventure ----> excitement

  till ----> can still

  till the soil ----> farm

  tiny ----> too small

  told me sooner ----> informed me earlier

  tomorrow ----> the next day

  tomorrow afternoon ----> soon

  too ----> also // either // not change

  too difficult ----> harder than

  too long ----> haven't time

  topic ----> background // subject

  touch on sth. ----> mention sth. briefly

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