第十一节 倒装与省略

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月18日 15:37   新东方

  第十一节 倒装与省略

  1. 检查是否有该倒装而未倒装的情况。

  2. 检查是否有该省略而未省略的情况。

  练 习

  将下列各句改为倒装句, 并强调划线部分的语气。

  1.The defeated army ran away, leaving many wounded soldiers.

  2.We can know the past, but we only feel the future.

  3.The news impressed me so strongly that I could not utter a word for some time.

  4.Our eyes are opened only after we have made a mistake.

  5.I have often heard it said that he is not trustworthy.

  6.His faithful dog sat by his side.

  7.We must in no case imagine that material comfort is the final goal of human happiness.

  8.I never expected that the man would turn up at the meeting.

  9. I found so many happy people nowhere else.

  10. he said good-bye to me and he drove off.

  注 释

  1. Away ran the defeated army....

  2. ...but the future we only feel.

  3. So strongly did the news impress me that....

  4. Only after we have made a mistake are our eyes opened.

  5. Often have I heard it said....

  6. By his side sat his faithful dog....

  7. In no case must we imagine....

  8. Never did I expect that....

  9. Nowhere else did I find....

  10. He said good-bye to me, and off he drove.

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