
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月18日 15:37   新东方



  We had guests last night who have not stayed 1. _______

  in a B&B hotel ago. They did not want breakfast 2. _______

  because that they were going out early in the 3. _______

  morning. They came back lately and had some 4. _______

  tea. I came into the living room and saw one of 5. _______

  them just go through the kitchen door but turn 6. _______

  on the light. He was looking for a glass the 7. _______

  cupboard. He had no ideas that the kitchen was 8. _______

  not for guests. I just smiled to me and thought, 9. _______

  “What can I do? We are guests after all.” 10. ______


  1. have → had2. ago → before

  3. 删除that4. lately → late

  5. 此行无错误6. but → and

  7. glass后添加in8. ideas → idea

  9. me → myself10. We → They


  An American and a Frenchman decided to cross the sea

  between France and England in the balloon in 1784. High 1._______

  over the water, they discover a hole in the balloon. The 2._______

  hole became bigger and bigger. The air keeps the 3._______

  balloon up was escaping quickly and the balloon was 4._______

  coming up. The two men threw all their equipment into5._______

  the water to make the balloon light. It started to rise 6._______

  higher again. So it was still too close to the water. 7._______

  Finally, the men threw away most of his clothes to 8._______

  save themselves. The crowd waiting for to greet them in 9._______

  England was very surprised see this when the balloon 10.______

  landed in front of them.


  1. the → a2. discover → discovered

  3. keeps → keeping4. ?菁

  5. up → down6. light → lighter

  7. So → But8. his → their

  9. 删除for10. see前添加to

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