
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月18日 15:37   新东方


  One day in the restaurant where I worked, I am serving a 1. _______

  table of four and each person had ordered the different 2. _______

  kind of fish. Three plate were already on the table when 3. _______

  the man closest to me pointing to one plate and asked me 4. _______

  the name of the fish on it. Before I could answer him, he 5. _______

  continued to ask me the name of the fish on another one 6. _______

  plate. I was about to answer him while I noticed that the 7. _______

  last plate on my tray(托盘)began to fall. They fell noisily 8. _______

  to the floor seconds late, spreading its contents on the 9. _______

  carpet. Everyone stared me and I stood there with a red face. 10. _______


  1. am→was2. the→a

  3. plate→plates4. pointing→pointed

  5. √6. 删除one

  7. while→when8. They→It

  9. late→later10. stared后添加at

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