Exercise 6

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月18日 15:37   新东方

  Exercise 6

  Once an old man saw a bag on his way to home. 1. _______

  In the bag there was a wolf. It was catching and put in 2. _______

  the bag by a shepherd(牧羊人) a few minutes ago.

  The wolf asked the old man to let him out.3. _______

  The old man took pity on him and opened bag.4. _______

  When the wolf got out, said to the old man, “I am very hungry. 5. _______

  I want to eat you.” The other old man could do nothing 6. _______

  and cry for help. Just then the shepherd came and saw this. 7. _______

  He beat the wolf to death by a stick. Then he said to the 8. _______

  old man, “wolves want to eat men all the time. It’s nature 9. _______

  will never change. We should took this as a good lesson.” 10. ______


  1. 删去to。home是副词, 前面不能接介词。

  2. catching改为caught。主语it与catch的关系为被动关系, 故用was caught。

  3. 此行无错。

  4. bag前加the。bag在此重复提到, 为特指。

  5. said前加he。代词漏用错误。此句缺少主语, 并且要与上文him保持一致。

  6. 删去other。接上下文没有“另一个老人”。

  7. and(cry)改为but(cry)。can do nothing but意为“只得做”, 为习惯搭配。

  8. by改为with。介词错误。“用……工具”常用“with...”。

  9. It’s改为Its。同音词混淆错误。此处应为“它的本性”。

  10. took改为take。情态动词后应接动词原形。

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