NMET 1998

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月18日 15:37   新东方

  NMET 1998

  My Favorite Sport

  My favorite sport is football. I was a member of 1. _______

  our school football team. We practise for three times 2. _______

  every week and often watch football match on TV 3. _______

  together. Play football not only makes us grow 4. _______

  tall and strong but also give us a sense of fair play and 5. _______

  team spirit. We must keep in mind that we play6. _______

  for the team instead ourselves. Also, the sport 7. _______

  teaches us the important of obedience (服从). Each8. _______

  player must obey captain, who is the leader of 9. _______

  the team. And they must not break the rules too 10. ______

  often if we want to win the game.


  1. was 改为 am。综观全篇时态可知。

  2.删去 for。time 表示次数时, 之前一般无介词, 直接用作状语。如: We have meals three times a day。

  3. match 改为 matches。

  4. Play 改为 Playing。此处应用动名词作主语, 表示经常性、 习惯性动作, 而动词不定式作主语则表示一两次的动作。

  5. give 改为 gives。此处和上文 makes 一起作谓语, 属平行结构。

  6. 此行无错。

  7. instead 后加 of。instead 为副词, instead of 为介词短语。此处接宾语 ourselves, 需用介词短语。

  8. important 改为 importance。

  9. captain 前后 the。像 chairman, captain, monitor, mayor 这类词表示职务时, 前面用零冠词。但如这类职务用于指某人时, 前面用定冠词。

  10. they 改为 we。

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