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孩子不听话 来点“小规矩”吧(图)

2014年11月11日13:55  新浪教育 微博   我有话说 收藏本文     
上图是VIPKID Curriculum Manager Lane 和小女儿Stella~上图是VIPKID Curriculum Manager Lane 和小女儿Stella~


  Discipline is a polarizing issue for Americans. Not all Americans have the same opinions about how to raise a polite, obedient child and different families take different approaches. This being said, most Americans agree that setting boundaries for a child is of the upmost importance to a child’s growth and development. For French parents, creating a system-an outlined structure of rules- is considered central to a child‘s social and emotional well being. Even the famous Montessori system, developed by Italian educator Maria Montessori, allows children to make their own choices, as long as those choices happen inside of a structured system of social and emotional guidelines. A clear system of rules help a child feel secure and understand what is expected of them inside of the family structure. This family structure is the child’s first example of how people in the outside world interact with one another。

  在美国,关于孩子行为举止的界限是一个仁者见仁智者见智的问题,不同的家庭有不同的方式。但整体说来,大部分美国家长[微博]都有一个共识:给孩子明确传达基本行为规范对孩子的成长发展大有裨益。不光美国,法国家长看来,从小给孩子一个基本行为规范对孩子社交和情感的健康成长意义深远。就连著名的蒙特梭利教育体系(创始人为意大利教育家Maria Montessori)也认为,孩子有权利当自己生活的主人,但前提是要在一个大的社会和情感行为准则之上。一个清楚的行为规范能让孩子变得稳重,也能更好理解家庭对于他们的期望-家庭是孩子了解世界与世界互动的最初体验。

  It is not difficult to create a system of boundaries that work in your home. Begin by establishing three or four positive rules that can encompass a variety of situations. My husband and I created the following rules for our two year old daughter, Stella. Our nanny, Zhang Ayi, has been wonderfully supportive in helping us enforce these rules and our home life is much less dramatic because our daughter understands what is expected of her.Our rules are:


  1.Be nice。

  (This rule covers no hitting and no saying hurtful things. Instead of hitting or scratching, Stella is encouraged to voice how she is feeling. Something as simple as “I’m angry!” helps Mommy,Daddy, and Ayi teach her the next steps to take to appropriately deal with her emotions。)


  2.Listen to Mommy/Daddy/Ayi。

  (We employ the “three strike rule” in my house. When my husband and I ask Stella to do something, she is allowed one reminder. If she still doesn’t listen, we count backwards from 5 to 1. If she still doesn’t listen, we physically pick her up and make her do as she is told. This physical handling works well for a two year old but is much more difficult for an older child. Taking away something important to the child, such as TV time or ice cream, is an alternative. It was not easy for my child to accept this rule (she still tests it from time to time), but in the end our persistence has paid off and we are a much happier family because of it。)


  3.Stay in bed. (Bedtime is important. Although this varies from child to child, for a growing brain to develop a1-3 year old child needs 12 to 14 hours of sleep per day. For a 3-6 year old,this number decreases to 10-12 hours. A 7-11 year old still needs 10-11 hours of sleep in order to function at maximum capacity. As an educator in China,many of the behavior and learning issues I have encountered have been a direct result of sleep deprivation. Children cannot learn or behave when they are tired. My daughter is allowed to sing in her bed and play with her stuffed animals and as long as she does NOT get out of the bed. Most American children sleep by themselves from the age of 1 and Stella is no exception. We find her asleep within 15 minutes and listening to her sing to her stuffed dog everynight is something I will cherish forever。)


  This behavior approach does not work overnight, and will not work at all if it is not supported by all adults in the family. Sitting down with Grandma and Grandpa to create this structure is an important step in achieving familial harmony and raising a socially adept child。



  Lane is an education professional with eight years of experience teaching and designing curriculum. Lane was born in a small city in America and as a child dreamed of traveling the world. After graduating from university and living in Mexico and Spain, Lane moved to Guangzhou, China. She met her husband(a New Zealander) in Guangzhou and, in 2012, their daughter Stella was born. Lane’s passion for education continues to motivate her to create educational materials that benefit children both cognitively and socially. Lane aspires to make language learning an experience which captures and cultivates children’s natural passion and curiosity。

  宜兰是一个拥有八年的教学课程设计经验的学术专家。她出生在美国一个小城市,在小时候就梦想着环游世界。大学毕业后,住在墨西哥和西班牙,后来她搬到了中国的广东。在广州,她遇到了她的丈夫(一个新西兰人), 2012年,他们的女儿呱呱坠地。宜兰对教育的热情激励着她对教材编写的热情, 为儿童和社会做出贡献。宜兰希望语言学习能成为一种培养儿童自然激情和好奇心的体验。


文章关键词: 孩子

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