Chris Ge: the “Elder Brother of All Maple Leaf Graduates”
Graduated in 1999, General Manager of EduVentures Educational Tours, BCom in Entrepreneurship,University of Victoria, living in Vancouver
Chris Ge graduated from Maple Leaf in 1999 as one of the first graduates. He was firstly admitted by Vancouver Island University and then transferred to the University of Victoria. After his university graduation, he worked as a manager in the marketing department for Universial Bus Services in Vancouver, and then retured to China. He was a project manager for Dell China, and then Assistant to VP Marketing at China Maple Leaf Educational Systems. In 2012, he founded EduVentures Educational Tours in Vancouver. For Maple Leaf’s 20th anniversary celebration, he donated a themed relief to the Exhibition Hall of Maple Leaf History at the newly opened Sherman Jen Library。
韩荣植出生在韩国首尔,是最早就读枫叶的韩国学生,熟练掌握韩、英、中三门语言。1999年从枫叶毕业进入美国波士顿大学电子工程专业,2003年获得理学学士学位之后回韩国服兵役。2006年起在National Instruments Korea担任工程师。2013年获得韩国科学技术院MBA[微博],进入美国德莱赛兰油田设备制造集团,从技术和商业角度为客户上马新设备准备提案。
Calvin Han: the “Originator of Korean Students”
Graduated in 1999, Proposal Development Engineer at Dresser-Rand, KAIST Business School MBA, living in Seoul
Calvin Han was born in Seoul, one of the first Korean students at Maple Leaf. He is fluent in Korean, English and Chinese. In 1999 he was enrolled by Boston Univesity and majored in Electrial Engineering. After he got his Bachelor of Science degree, he returned to Korea for military service. In 2006, he joined National Instruments Korea as an engineer. In 2013, he earned his MBA from KAIST Business School and was employed by Dresser-Rand as a proposal development engineer, playing a key role in the preparation of technical and commercial proposals for new equipment。
Ethel Wei: First One that Returned as a BC Teacher
Graduated in 1999, BC certified teacher at Maple Leaf International School – Dalian, Master in Quantitative Economics and Finance, Université Paris 1, living in Dalian
Ethel Wei is fluent in Chinese, English and French. She is a BC certified teacher and is qualified to teach French immersion. After graduating from Maple Leaf in 1999, she studied in the University of Toronto and then Université Paris 1, awarded Erasmus Mundus Scholarship by the European Commission. She is a member of the Erasmus Mundus Alumni Association, Bruxelles, Belgium and a member of the Royal Economics Society, UK. She taught in L’École Secondaire Esquimalt and Elite Educational Institute,Victoria, Canada, and started teaching at Maple Leaf in 2012.
姚子然拥有美国和中国律师执业资格,曾为欧洲最大的律所之一Chiomenti Studio Legale合伙人。2011年创立YSLAW律师事务所。2013年获得“中国杰出青年律师”称号以及美国证监会授予的 “上市公司优秀管理者”称号。她是美国太阳能行业协会董事会成员、欧盟委员会新型能源工作委员会成员以及中国能源协会美国、欧洲太阳能反倾销,反补贴调查工作委员会成员。
Margarita Yao: an Outstanding Lawyer in Asia, North America and Europe
Graduated in 1999, Managing Partner at YSLaw, Juridical Doctor, Florida State University, living in China, the US and Germany。
MargaritaYao is a liscensed lawyer in both the US and China. She was a partner at Chiomenti Studio Legale, one of the largest law firms in Europe. In 2011, she established YSLaw. In 2013, she received the title of “China’s Outstanding Young Lawyer”, and the title of “Excellent Public Company Administrator” by the SEC. She is a member of the US Solar Energy Industry Association (SEIA), the European Union Legal and Tax Committee and the EU/US policy and strategy working group of PRC Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Machinery and Electronic Products (CCCME)。
邹运有在中国、加拿大和美国的学习、工作经历。1999年他年仅16岁就从枫叶毕业进入加拿大多伦多大学,在大学期间联合发起成立了多伦多大学中国本科生协会,是最大的学生组织之一。2003年从多伦多大学获得经济学荣誉学士学位之后,他从软件工程师做起,逐渐过渡到技术顾问、管理顾问等岗位。2012年曾在上海的私募股权基金PREIPO CAPITAL任职参与价值数千万美元级别的私募投资项目。
Raymond Zou:the “Maple Leaf Genius” Who Got Into U of T at 16
Graduated in 1999, Project Manager, FEDEX CANADA, MBA, University of Michigan, living in Toronto
文章关键词: 国际学校