Raymond has experiences of studying and working in China, Canada and the US. In 1999, at the age of only 16, he was admitted by the University of Toronto and majored in Economics. He was a co-founder of the Chinese Undergraduate Association, one of the largest student organizations at U of T. He started his career as a software engineer, and gradually transitioned to technology and management counsultant. In 2012, he worked as a private equity associate at Preipo Capital, closing multi-million-dollar private equity transactions。
Jason Yang: Ambassador of China-India Trade
Graduated in 2000, General Manager of Dalian Long’an Equipment Import and Export, Ltd., Bachelor of Science in Economics, living in Dalian
Jason was born in Dalian. In 2000, he graduated from Maple Leaf and was enrolled by the University of Victoria. He obtained his bachelor’s degree in 2004 and gave up an opportunity to do post-graduate work in the US. He returned home and established Long’an with his father. He started as the manager of the marketing department, and worked his way up to become vice general manager and then general manager. The business is devoted to promote trade between China and India, especially in the areas of machinery, wind power generation equipment, minerals and foods。
2001届毕业生,加拿大丰业银行商业银行部特殊金融服务分部Roynat Capital经理,加拿大女皇大学工商管理硕士MBA[微博],现居多伦多。
王黎黎2001年从枫叶毕业之后进入加拿大西蒙菲莎大学学习公共关系学。本科毕业至今已在娱乐传播业、清洁能源业、矿业和银行业完成三次华丽的跨界升迁。她曾在Sierra Geothermal Power, Manex Resource Group和New Pacific Metals Corp。三家上市公司负责投资者关系工作。2013年获得加拿大女皇大学金融专业MBA学位,并受到《金融邮报》的采访报道。
Kelly Wang: A Strong Woman Who Has Advanced Her Career Across Industries
Graduated in 2001, Associate at Roynat Capital, Scotiabank, MBA, Queen’s University, living in Toronto
Kelly graduated from Maple Leaf in 2001 and then studied public relations at Simon Fraser University. She has navigated her career across very different industries, from entertainment to clean energy, to mining and to banking, playing more key roles each time. She worked for three public companies, Sierra Geothermal Power, Manex Resource Group and New Pacific Metals Corp. in the area of investor relations. In 2013, she earned her MBA in Finance from Queen’s University and was interveiwed by Financial Post on behalf of her MBA class。
杨杨从枫叶毕业后进入加拿大西安大略大学学习经济学,之后进入西蒙菲莎大学继续深造并获得经济学硕士学位。她曾在Canaccord Genuity公司任投资者关系专员,也曾在不列颠哥伦比亚理工学院(BCIT)任讲师五年,教授工商管理学士课程,如数学模型、微积分、统计学等。2011年加盟Leede金融市场有限公司,历任经济师、投资顾问、企业上市融资经理等职。
Sunnie Yang: A Gold-Collar Professional
Graduated in 2001, Corporate Finance Manager, Leede Financial Markets, MA in Economics, Simon Fraser University, living in Vancouver
Sunnie was admitted by Western University after she graudated from Maple Leaf and majored in Economics. After getting her BA, she furthered her studies at Simon Fraser University and got her MA in Economics. She was an investor relations officer at Canaccord Genuity and taught BBA program for five years at BCIT, such as Math Models, Calculus and Statistics. In 2011, she joined Leede Financial Markets and served successively as economist, investment advisor and corporate finance manager。
Isabelle Ding: A Professional Who Practices Yoga and Runs Marathon
Graduated in 2001, former Business Development Officer, AmCham China Northeast Chapter (Dalian) ,now an International Business Advisor at Dezan Shira & Associates, an Asia-focused business consulting company. Master of Public Administration,London School of Economics (UK), living in Shanghai
Isabelle was admitted by York University, Canada after she graduated from Maple Leaf. She earned her BA in Economics and Business and graduated with Summa Cum Laude distinction, ranked No. 1 in Department of Economics. She went on and obtained a scholarship to pursueher MPA from London School of Economics. During her stay in the UK, she interned at Government Advisorydepartment of Accenture as well as the National Audit Office of the UK, andlaterworked as an Corporate Finance Analyst at Alegro Capital, an American Boutique Investment Bank headquartered in London. In 2012, she returned to her hometown Dalian and worked as International Brand Manager, Dalian Northeast Asia International Brand Trading Centre Co., Ltd. She speaks Mandarin Chinese, English and French.
金铁铨出生在辽宁著名的皮草之乡 – 辽阳佟二堡。从多伦多大学毕业后回国进入家族企业,从一线员工做到董事总经理,将家族企业发展成辽阳市政府重点扶持的新兴科技企业。他现在是辽阳市人大[微博]代表,四川大学和陕西科技大学的企业家导师,还是“现代雷锋”郭明义爱心团队会员。
Sean Jin: the “King” Who Has Developed Family Business Up and Downstream
文章关键词: 国际学校