Graduated in 2002,General Manager of Brother Fur Dying and Jinbaolai Furs, Bachelor of Arts in International Development, University of Toronto, living in Liaoyang
Sean was born in Tongerpu, Liaoyang – a famous town for fur products. After he graduated from the University of Toronto, he returned home and joined the family business, starting from first-line staff and advancing to General Manager. He has grown the family business into an emerging technology company. He is a National People’s Congress (NPC) member of Liaoyang, entrepreneurship mentor for Sichuan University and Shaanxi University of Technology, as well as a member of “Modern Lei Feng”Guo Mingyi Volunteer Team。
Fred Ren: Love·Learn·Live
Graduated in 2002, Vice Principal of MLES Research Institute & Supervisor of Project Orca, Secretary General of the Global Alumni Association of Maple Leaf International Schools (MLAA), Master of Education in Technology, Innovation and Education, Harvard University, living in Dalian
Fred stayed to work for Maple Leaf right after he graduated in 2002. He was then sponsored by Maple Leaf to study at the University of Victoria.In 2008, he retured to Maple Leaf as promised, and took various responsiblities, such as Assistant to BC Superintendant, Deputy Counselor General of Maple Leaf International School-Chongqing and Assistant to VP Marketing, etc. In 2012, he became one of the seven Chinese scholars who received the Marco Polo fellowship from Harvard University。
Paul Xu: Talented Entrepreneur in Canada
Graduated in 2002, General Manager of Yiwei Overseas Studies and Immigration Counsulting and Uplus Accounting, CMA, CPA, RCIC,BBA from Simon Fraser Univeristy, living in Toronto
After graduating from Simon Fraser University, he earned several designations, e.g. Chartered Management Accountant(CMA),Chartered Public Accountant (CPA) in Canada and Australia, and Registered Canadian Immigration Counsultant (RCIC). He founded Yiwei Overseas Studies and Immigration Counsulting and Uplus Accounting, and is also a member of North America International Students Assication, Sino-Canada Immigrants Society and North America International Cultural Exchange Association。
金铎从枫叶毕业后进入加拿大圭尔夫大学学习计算机科学与技术。他毕业后一直在信息技术行业打拼,先后担任加拿大Penlieu Consultants软件工程师及IBM高级技术顾问。2012年获得北京大学国家发展研究院国际工商管理硕士学位,并加盟全球最大的独立数据集成软件提供商美国资科和信背景信息技术有限公司(Informatica) 担任资深技术顾问。
Alex Jin: A Value Miner in Big Data
Graduated in 2002, Senior Consultant, Informatica Corp., International MBA, Peking University National Development Research Center, living in Beijing
Alex went to study computer science at the University of Guelph after he graduated from Maple Leaf. Since he got his Bachelor of Computing degree, Minor in Business Administration, he has always been working in the IT industry, starting his career as a software engineer for Penlieu Consultants in Canada and then a technical consultant for IBM. In 2012, he earned his International MBA degree from Peking University National Development Research Center and joined Informatica, the world’s largest independent data management software company, listed on Nasdaq。
毕翰良从初一起就入读枫叶。本科毕业后,他曾担任加拿大BC省坎贝尔河市North Shore木材测量有限公司废弃及残留木材测量助理、维多利亚市加拿大联邦政府环境部水和气象影响研究中心科研助理以及列治文市加拿大联邦政府环境部水文测量局环境监测员等职。与加国白人女孩儿Amber Dawn已结婚9年。
Peter Bi: A Federal Public Servant Who Married A Canadian
Graduated in 2003, Hydrometric Technician, The Water Survey of Canada, Environment Canada, Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Studies and Geography, University of Victoria, living in Vancouver
Peter entered Maple Leaf when he was in Grade 7. After graduating from the University of Victoria, Canada, he worked in varous locations in British Columbia, such as Campbell River, as Waste and Residue Surveyor Assistant for North Shore Scaling Ltd., and in Victoria, as Research Assistant for Water and Climate Impacts Research Centre / Environment Canada. He is married with Amber Dawn, a Canadian citizen, for 9 years now。
徐斌初中时戴着原学校给的“差生”帽子进入枫叶,结果获得巨大转变。2003年进入加拿大多伦多大学,而后又成为剑桥大学金融硕士。他历任安信证券投资银行部经理、施罗德资产管理公司固定收益投资部资产担保债券分析师、Citco 金融集团基金服务组高级分析师和对冲基金组分析师等职。2012年,他加盟枫叶,出任联席CFO,助推枫叶在2014年11月28日成功登陆香港联交所。
Ace Xu: the Maple Leaf Graduate Who Operated Maple Leaf’s IPO
Graduated in 2003, Co-CFO of China Maple Leaf Educational Systems, Master of Finance, Cambridge University, UK, living in Dalian
文章关键词: 国际学校