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2015年05月21日15:33  新浪教育 微博   我有话说 收藏本文     

  In 2004, Michael graduated from Maple Leaf and entered St. Clair College to study business and later transferred to interior design. After getting his diploma, he joined a kitchen design company. After only four months working there, he took the risk of quiting the job and started his own business, Kitchen Star. At the beginning, he faced a lot of difficulties and almost went bankrupt several times. With the support of his wife Linda, who is also a Maple Leaf graduate, his company gradually grew. Now he owns two companies, CMC Kitchen Cabinet and Neokitchen, serving the greater Toronto area. 




  刘遥2005年从枫叶毕业后进入多伦多大学,学习国际学和政治学。本科毕业后继续在多大攻读亚太学和政治学并以优异成绩获得硕士学位,同时获得“Gordon Cressy”学生领袖奖,曾任多伦多大学亚洲研究院《亚太研究》杂志主编。2011年获美国斯坦福大学全额奖学金攻读政治科学博士课程,导师包括美国前国务卿赖斯。他曾在哥伦比亚,哈佛,芝加哥等世界顶尖名校分享研究成果。

  Adam Liu: A Political Science Scholar Who Received Full Scholarship from Stanford

  Graduated in 2005,former policy analyst for the Federal Government of Canada, Ph.D. candidate in Political Science, Stanford University, living in San Francisco

  Adam was admitted into the University of Toronto in 2005 after graduating from Maple Leaf. He majored in International Studies and Political Science. After receiving his B.A., he earned his M.A. in Asia-Pacific Studies and Political Science, also at U of T. He was ranked No. 1 in his class and received the “Gordon Cressy” Student Leadership Award of U of T. While an M.A. student, Adam was also the Editor-in-Chief for the Asian Institute journal. With over $400,000 scholarship, he was admitted into the Political Science Ph.D. program at Stanford University in 2011. At Stanford, his mentors include such prestigious figures as former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. He has presented his work at world’s leading research institutions, e.g. Columbia, Harvard and Chicago. 


  2005届毕业生,美国McCarter & English律师事务所医药及生物科技专利技术顾问,美国麻省理工学院生物化学博士,美国萨福克大学法学博士在读,现居波士顿。


  Yu Miao: A Super Scientist Who Earned Her Ph.D. from MIT in Just 4 Years

  Graduated in 2005, Technical Specialist at McCarter and English LLP.; Ph.D. degree in Biology with emphasis on biochemistry, chemical and cell biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; J.D. candidate, Suffolk University Law School, living in Boston

  Miao graduated from Maple Leaf in 2005 and entered the University of Toronto to study Biochemistry. After receiving her honors Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry with highest distinction, she was admitted into MIT’s Ph.D. program with full fellowship and got her Ph. D. in just four years. She is the recipient of 12 scholarships and awards from the University of Toronto and MIT, author of co-author of 7 published academic papers and inventor of a series of pending patents in the field of biochemistry。





  Celia Zhao:A Smiling Warrior

  Graduated in 2005, former Intercompany, Fixed Asset and Treasury Financial Analyst, Janssen Inc., MBA candidate, Schulich School of Business, York University, living in Toronto

  Celia was admitted by the University of Toronto after graduating from Maple Leaf. She majored in Accounting, graduated as Bachelor of Business Administration with high distinction,  and obtained CPA, CA designation. She worked for PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) LLP, as Senior Associate in Audit and Assurance Group and in Canadian Corporate Tax Group and International Expatriate Tax Group. She was a top rated PwC employee, and received PwC GTA Spotlight Award. She is now a Schulich Graduate School Ambassador and class representative for GBC Council. She speaks Mandrin Chinese, English and French。




  Yi Hao: A Leader in Real Estate Development

  Graduated in 2005, Board Director and General Manager of Dalian Mingyue Real Estate Development Ltd., Bachelor of Arts in Economics, McMaster University, Canada, living in Dalian

  Hao graduated from Maple Leaf in 2005 and was admitted by McMaster University to study economics. In 2009, he returned to China and founded a series of ventures, e.g. Mingyue Real Estate Development, Haoyu Interior Design, Longheng Construction, Lvda Classic Hotel Management, Rome Holiday Hotel, etc. Since 2013, he has been a National People’s Congress (NPC) member of Shahekou District, Dalian. In 2014, he was awarded the title of “the first session of Liaoning province urban and rural economic and social development- real estate and construction industry leader。”




  Kelly Shi: To Write A Beautiful Life




文章关键词: 国际学校

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