Even when hehas lunch by himself, he never dines alone。
A lovinghusband headed to a California In-N-Out Burger last week for a datewith his wife, who died five years ago. He propped up a framedphoto of his love and enjoyed a burger with his latesweetheart。
Twitter userMadina Bashizadah snapped a photo of the date。
"Oh my god Ijust died!!! He has a picture of his wife with him as he eats! Ilove him I love love," she wrote。
Bashizadahthen got up to ask him about the photo, she told the HuffingtonPost。
"We found outthat she was his sweetheart, his wife who passed away five yearsago," she said。
The two metwhen they were 17 years old — just before he went to war. They lostcontact, but he never stopped thinking about her。
Ten yearslater he told his story of lost love to a barber in California. Thebarber through the story sounded familiar, so he called hisdaughter — who immediately recognized the man as the war-boundsolider she met a decade ago。
The two werequickly married and stayed together until her death 55 years later,Bashizadah said。
"He takes herphoto everywhere," she said. "Goes to show you true love doesexist."
The man leftthe user with a few lessons on love and life。
"People arelike candles. At any moment a breeze can blow it out, so enjoy thelight while you have it," he told the diner。“
He continued:"Tell your wife that you love her every day. And be sure to askher, 'Have I told you that I love you lately?'
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