10. 看图并参考图解作文

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月17日 16:27   新东方

  10. 看图并参考图解作文。


  A “Snake”


  1. An old man is reading a newspaper. Suddenly a boy breaks in. He is in a hurry. He is telling the old man something horrible. Hearing this, the old man stands up and is ready to go and have a look with the boy.

  2. The old man is now in the boy’s room. The boy is pointing at a“snake”raising its head, its tongue extending out. The old man is frightened.

  3. The old man immediately picks up a walking stick and wants to strike the“snake”to death. He is raising the stick high, ready to strike. The boy is pulling the old man’s clothes. He asks him not to do so.

  4. The old man stops. He is now leaning on his walking stick. The boy is showing him the “snake”. Well, it’s not a real snake but a toy!


  这组漫画讲的是一个小男孩玩恶作剧, 吓唬老爷爷的故事。作文时要着重描述小男孩那惟妙惟肖的表演, 想像他为哄骗老爷爷而做的绘声绘色的描述。

  范 文

  Grandpa Wang is a retired worker. He is now living a carefree life. However, he must take care of his five-year-old grandson Wang Dong, a very naughty boy.

  One afternoon, while Grandpa Wang was reading a newspaper, Wang Dong broke in and cried out:

  “Grandpa! Go quickly... there.... It’s terrible!” His voice was trembling.

  Grandpa Wang sprang up from his chair. “What happened?” he asked.

  Wang Dong made no answer. He took Grandpa by the arm and dragged him into the next room.

  “There....” Wang Dong whispered to Grandpa mysteriously, pointing at something behind the curtain.

  Grandpa Wang was frightened to see the head of a “snake”. Immediately he picked up a stick and was ready to strike the “snake” to death.

  “Stop! Stop! Grandpa,”Wang Dong pulled grandpa’s clothes and shouted. “Don’t break it!” He walked to the curtain and took out the “snake” from behind it. Why? It was not a real snake but a toy! Grandpa Wang was cheated. They both burst into laughter.

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