
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月17日 16:27   新东方

  9. 请根据下面所示内容, 用英语写一篇短文, 比较高中学生“减负”前后的有关情况。

  注 意

  1. 短文须包括所有图表内容, 可以适当增加细节, 使短文连贯;

  2. 词数为100个左右。

  范 文

  In the past, Senior middle school students were heavily burdened with all kinds of homework. Because of various examinations, they spent about 6. 5 hours in their classroom a day. At home, about 3.5 hours was spent on their homework and therefore most of them got less than seven hours’ sleep a night, with only about three hour’s free time for other things. As a result, their health was badly damaged.

  Now things are getting better. About five hours is spent in class and hours for homework is shortened to about two so that they can have two more hours’ sleep and also two more hours’ free time to do whatever they like.

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