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2008年01月17日 16:27 新东方
13. 看图并参照图解作文。 Who Grows Faster? 图 解 1. It is autumn. Grandpa takes his grandson to a small tree and asks him to stand straight against its trunk. 2. Grandpa draws a short line on the trunk. He asks the boy to stand aside and then he squats down and knocks in a nail as a mark. 3. Winter comes. It is snowing hard, but the nail is still in the trunk. 4. Spring returns. Grandpa takes the boy to the tree again, which has grown some leaves now. The boy is asked to stand against the trunk. Grandpa is surprised to find his grandson has become shorter than before! 作文指导 这组漫画中老爷爷的行为既可爱又可笑。作文时要抓住这一点, 对他钉钉子作记号时的动作、 神情及心理活动加以联想和描述。同时, 从小树及周围的环境可以判断出故事发生的时间跨越秋天、 冬天、 春天三个季节。 范 文 It was a fine day in autumn. Grandpa took his grandson Jack to a small tree. He was eager to see the boy grow tall. He asked Jack to stand straight against the trunk of the tree and drew a short line on it. Then he squatted down and knocked in a nail as a mark. “OK! Let’s see who grows faster. ”Grandpa said to Jack. “I’ll grow faster than the tree!”said Jack. “Sure!” said Grandpa proudly. It snowed hard the whole winter. Grandpa and Jack didn’t come to the tree, but the nail remained in the trunk. When spring came, Grandpa took Jack to the tree again. The tree had grown taller with thick green leaves, Grandpa thought to himself, “My little grandson must be much taller than last year. ” He told Jack to lean against the trunk. To his surprise, Grandpa found the nail was about 5 inches above his grandson! “Jack!” Grandpa shouted aloud, “You have become shorter than before!” [上一页] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] 特别说明:由于各方面情况的不断调整与变化,新浪网所提供的所有考试信息仅供参考,敬请考生以权威部门公布的正式信息为准。
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