
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月17日 16:27   新东方

  15. 看图并参照图解作文。


  A Hollow Joy


  1. Last Sunday, Mr. Ma went fishing by a pond. There, a young man stood beside a board, which was covered by a coat. Without thinking anything about it, Mr. Ma began to fish.

  2. The man was leaning against the board. He was watching Mr. Ma fishing. Both of them were waiting for the fish to bite with patience.

  3. Now, Mr. Ma caught a fish. He was very glad. The man behind him came closer and looked at the fish, with a cigarette in hand.

  4. Mr. Ma was good at fishing. Soon, the bucket was full of fish. The man looked at it happily and nodded.

  5. Suddenly the man took the coat on the board away. “No Fishing. Fine if Violate. ”Seeing the words, Mr. Ma was astonished.

  6. Saying nothing, the man left, carrying the bucket of fish. Standing there still with the fishing-rod and the fine list, Mr. Ma was disappointed and angry.


  一天老马到水塘边钓鱼, 一个年轻人靠在旁边的木牌上观看。待老马钓了不少鱼, 准备离去时, 年轻人将木牌上的衣服取下来, 要老马看看上面的字……讲述这个故事, 要首先交代年轻人的衣服盖在木牌上这一细节, 重点描述老人钓鱼的过程, 同时要注意观察两个人神情的变化。

  范 文

  Last Sunday, Mr. Ma went fishing by a pond. There, he saw a young man lean against a board which was covered by a coat. Without thinking anything about it, Mr. Ma sat down and began to fish.

  The young man seemed to be very interested in watching Mr. Ma fishing. He took out a cigarette and lit it, observing the old man carefully. Both of them were waiting for the fish to bite quietly and patiently. Suddenly the float lowered. “Aha! My fish, I’ve got you. ”Mr. Ma shouted with joy and put the fish into the bucket. The man was glad to see the fish, too.

  A good beginning is half done. Besides his good luck that day, Mr. Ma was good at fishing himself. Soon the bucket was full of fish. The man looked at it happily and nodded frequently. When Mr. Ma was about to leave, the young man took the coat off the board. “No Fishing. Fine if Violate. ”Seeing the words, Mr. Ma was very astonished. The young man pointed at the board and said, “See? You know what to do?”

  The young man left, carrying the bucket of fish with a smile. Holding the fishing-rod and the fine list, Mr. Ma was very disappointed and angry.

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