2、写一篇题为“Give up Smoking”的短文

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月17日 16:27   新东方

  2. 根据下面提示, 写一篇题为“Give up Smoking”的短文, 词数约120。

  1. 不少学生可能抽烟, 学生中抽烟的人数还在增多。

  2. 一份调查报告透露, 某些学校五分之二以上的学生在抽烟, 个别学生甚至偷钱买烟。

  3. 对于中学生来说, 抽烟的危害比成年人更大。抽烟不仅有害于身体, 还有害于思想。

  4. 中学生是国家未来的建设者, 抽烟的学生该下决心戒烟了。


  Giving up Smoking

  Now many students smoke and the number has been increasing. According to the investigation, more than two fifths of the students in a certain school smoke and some even steal money to buy cigarettes. It is really a serious problem for so many students to smoke.

  As we know, smoking is very harmful to our health. For us teenagers, it does greater harm not only to our health but also to our minds.

  Middle school students are the future builders of our motherland. We should devote our time to learning things useful and valuable for our country, for our people and for ourselves as well. So those who smoke should get rid of such a bad habit and form some good ones.

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