
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月17日 16:27   新东方

  30. 选取发生在父亲身上的一两件事情, 表现他对你的关爱。注意事件要典型, 词数保持在120个左右。

  范 文

  My Father

  Three years ago, when I first went to Guangzhou to continue my study, I felt helpless.

  One day, to my surprise, I found my father standing at the dormitory gate and looking at me. In his eyes, I found the warmth and loving care of a father. The dark clouds that overshadowed my mind disappeared and I became confident.

  When he left, he took out some money and gave it to me. I knew that the money must have been saved coin by coin, for it consisted of a lot of change. Just before he left, he suddenly found that one button in my coat was loose, and he insisted on sewing it for me. While sewing, he said something to me, but I could hardly hear anything for I was crying. All I could remember was the love and care in his eyes.

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