24、以“Road Safety”为题

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月17日 16:27   新东方

  24. 请根据下列提示, 以“Road Safety”为题, 写一篇短文, 词数为120个左右。



  1. 骑自行车靠右行;

  2. 交通灯是红色时, 不要横穿马路或向左拐弯;

  3. 转弯或停车时要打手势;

  4. 穿过马路, 要做到“一停二看三通过”;

  5. 要帮助老人或孩子安全穿过马路;

  6. 要教育小孩不在马路上玩耍或骑车。

  范 文

  Road Safety

  Please remember the following traffic rules:

  When you ride a bike, keep to the right side of the road. Don’t cross the road or turn left at a red traffic light. Give a hand signal if you want to turn or stop.

  Before crossing the road, stop and look both ways, right and left. If there is no traffic, it is safe to cross. The correct way to cross the road is to walk quickly, but to run. If you run across the road, you may fall down.

  If you see small children or old people waiting to cross the road, it is a kind deed to help them to cross in safety. We should teach small children not to play or ride bikes on the roads.

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