2008年01月17日 16:27 新东方
17. 就下列提示作文。 我赞成化工厂建在学校附近的建议。工厂主已经答应尽量减少对空气和水的污染。建设这个工厂将使我校得到一大笔钱, 这笔钱可以供学校建一个图书馆。此外, 这个工厂也可以为附近几百人提供工作。 范文 I agree to the suggestion that a chemical works be set up near our school. The owners of the works have promised to do their best to reduce air and water pollution. Our school will get a large sum of money by the building of the works. Then we will have enough money to set up a library in our school. Besides, the chemical works will offer jobs for hundreds of people living nearby. [上一页] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] 特别说明:由于各方面情况的不断调整与变化,新浪网所提供的所有考试信息仅供参考,敬请考生以权威部门公布的正式信息为准。
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