
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月17日 16:27   新东方

  5. 假定你是王峰, 你的美籍教师Mr. Green将长期在京工作, 他打算买一套合适的住房, 你碰巧在报纸上看到这则售房广告, 请将广告上的信息通过E-mail发往美国。

  注 意

  1. 词数为80~100个;

  2. 信的开头已给出。


  设施完备 be well furnished


  1. 阳光广场(Sunny Square)位于北京朝阳区, 紧靠长城饭店, 距机场高速路仅一公里;

  2. 高低层建筑俱全, 不同居室设计供不同选择;

  3. 充足的绿地, 停车场、 学校、 医院、 餐馆和现代化购物中心一应俱全;

  4. 厨房浴室设备齐全, 24小时供应热水, 电梯日夜运行;

  5. 咨询电话: 010-66389420。

  范 文

  Dear Mr. Green,

  I’m glad to hear that you are coming soon. I’ve just read about an ad for house sale, which you might be interested in. I’m writing to inform you of it.

  Sunny Square lies in Chaoyang District, east of Beijing. It is next to the Great WaIl Hotel, and just one kilometer away from the expressway to the airport. They have both high and low buildings with various designs for different choices.

  There are plenty of green fields and parking places. There are schools, restaurants, a hospital and modern shopping centers as well.

  The kitchen and the bathroom are well furnished. Hot water is provided for 24 hours and lifts work day and night. If you need further information, you may call 010-800-66389420.

  Best wishes,


  Wang Feng

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