
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月17日 16:27   新东方

  29. 写一篇短文, 包括以下内容:

  1. 我和一个残疾男孩是好朋友;

  2. 我的一些朋友建议我不要与他成为朋友, 我相信了, 于是很少与他来往;

  3. 圣诞节, 我收到了这个男孩的贺卡, 我突然意识到最珍贵的东西是友谊, 我希望真正的友谊回到我们中间。

  要求: 题目自拟, 词数为120个左右。

  范 文

  Cherishing True Friendship

  One evening, I opened my present box. Suddenly, a beautiful Christmas card attracted my attention. Holding this card, 1 was deeply moved.

  The card was from a disabled boy, who was next to me in the classroom. Since we had much in common, we became good friends.

  Later some of my friends advised me not to be friends with him, because they felt he was not honest. I believed that and took no more notice of him. As time passed by, I felt that I had lost something valuable.

  I opened the card, which said: “Wish you a Merry Christmas!”All of a sudden, I realized that the most valuable thing was true friendship. In fact, he never did anything dishonest. He gave me true friendship. How I regretted!

  I hope true friendship will return to us.

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