
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月17日 16:27   新东方

  7. 假如你在友谊商店工作, 请你根据下列提示用英语为该店宣传栏写一段向顾客推荐上海春光牌照相机的文字, 词数要求100个左右。


  1. 春光牌相机由上海照相机厂生产, 该厂技术力量雄厚, 设备先进;

  2. 春光牌相机是新开发的高技术产品, 自动控制, 操作简单, 小巧灵便, 易于携带, 质量可靠, 价格合理;

  3. 商店现货充足, 欢迎选购。

  范 文

  The Chunguang Camera is a new kind of camera produced by Shanghai Camera Factory, which has modern equipment and lots of senior experts. The Chunguang Camera containing much top and new technique is famous for its excellent quality and reasonable price. It controls mostly by itself, so it is very easy to operate. It is convenient to carry, for it is small and light. Once you have one of this kind, you’11 enjoy it very much. Now Chunguang cameras sell well in our shop and we have plenty of them.

  Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our shop to buy the cameras.

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