
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月17日 16:27   新东方

  19. 就下列提示作文。

  假定魏敏芳小姐曾经是你的英语老师, 你是她所教班级的班长, 名叫王小丽。魏敏芳现在正在美国一所大学深造。请以你和你全班同学的名义给她写一封信。


  1. 收到魏老师寄自美国的信感到高兴;

  2. 对魏老师过去的教学表示感激;

  3. 对魏老师的离去表示怀念;

  4. 向魏老师表示你们的决心: 努力学好英语;

  5. 希望经常收到魏老师的信, 介绍她在美国生活与学习的情况。

  说 明

  1. 发信地址: 北京幸福大街25号(邮编100025);

  发信日期: 2006年8月18日;

  2. 正文内容应包括上述要点, 但不要逐句翻译;

  3. 正文词数: 大约120词。

  25 Xingfu Street

  Beijing, 100025

  P. R. China

  Aug. 18, 2006

  Dear Miss Wei,

  Your letter came to us from the U. S. A. yesterday. We read it with great pleasure. I’m now writing to you not only for myself but also for the whole class. As you know, I’m the monitor of the class.

  I’d like, first of all, to express our thanks to you for your teaching. For the past two years we have learned a lot from you. We enjoyed your classes very much. They were so lively and interesting. Thanks to your help, we’ve made great progress in our English study. We are determined to do still better in the future.

  We miss you very much. We hope to hear from you as often as possible.

  Good luck to you!


  Wang Xiaoli

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