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  • · 大学英语四级听力60个必考习语详解 (2005.8.9)
    · 有效的教学会让患有ADHD的孩童大不一样 (2005.4.6)
    · 立得宁倒提供了迫切需要的帮助 (2005.4.1)
    · 患有ADHD的孩童不一定是反应慢 (2005.3.31)
    · 他不称职 (2005.3.30)

    · 他独立自主 (2005.3.25)
    · 那工人不够格 (2005.3.24)
    · 那真是个好消息 (2005.3.23)
    · 我们分秒必争地工作 (2005.3.22)
    · 它使我战战兢兢 (2005.3.21)

    · 生命贵在价值而非长短 (2005.3.17)
    · 这事请用自个儿的时间做 (2005.3.16)
    · 无风不起浪 (2005.3.10)
    · 他们任她宰割 (2005.3.4)
    · 她毫无计划地要出发了 (2005.3.2)

    · 他开始烦她 (2005.3.1)
    · 你的新车是最棒的 (2005.2.28)
    · 振作起来! (2005.2.24)
    · 我今天忙得焦头烂额的 (2005.2.23)
    · 文比武强 (2005.1.11)

    · 他死得毫无价值 (2005.1.10)
    · 首开先河地将以往视为天方夜谭的东西化为可能 (2004.12.22)
    · 思想全球化行动本土化 (2004.12.20)
    · 贸易协定能让进出口运行更顺畅 (2004.12.16)
    · 自由贸易运动目的是希望促进所有商品交易兴隆 (2004.12.15)

    · 大多数上网的人都受够了广告 (2004.12.13)
    · 弹出式广告让人留下坏印象 (2004.12.10)
    · 伊莉莎白和劳伦斯迫不及待要去度假 (2004.12.9)
    · 卡阿那莫库公爵只要在海上就绝不含糊 (2004.12.8)
    · 处女座的人一定会把自己打点得毫无瑕疵 (2004.12.7)

    · 全世界地铁系统错综复杂令人眼花缭乱 (2004.12.6)
    · 虽然玛姬阿姨现在住院但她很快就会康复 (2004.12.2)
    · 犹如贺卡这种新科技证明了思想才是最重要的 (2004.12.1)
    · 要抓住一个男人的心先抓住他的胃 (2004.11.30)
    · 松露的身价不凡 (2004.11.29)

    · 仲裁是免上法庭而解决争端的好方法 (2004.11.25)
    · 众志成城--人多好办事 (2004.11.24)
    · 三个臭皮匠 胜过一个诸葛亮 (2004.11.23)
    · 有时候杰福瑞的态度似乎出奇地冷淡 (2004.11.22)
    · 《后窗》这部电影讲的是偷窥的故事 (2004.11.19)

    · 杰夫办公室里的电脑升级的时机到了 (2004.11.18)
    · 网络没架设妥当电脑将无用武之处 (2004.11.12)
    · 很多小孩不被允许自由用左右手学习 (2004.11.11)
    · 伊戴马先生视自己为法律正义的化身 (2004.11.9)
    · 瑜伽能帮助你寻找心灵的宁静 (2004.10.22)

    · 静坐冥想让我们学到心灵更胜于物质 (2004.10.13)
    · 要科摩多蜥蜴做它做不来的事太为难它了 (2004.10.12)
    · 科摩多大蜥蜴是远古时代的残留物 (2004.10.11)
    · 詹姆士希望自己能在会议上吐真言 (2004.10.10)
    · 有些人喜欢讲话滔滔不绝不管别人 (2004.10.9)

    · 史提夫碰见的供应商态度强硬不愿让步 (2004.10.8)
    · 得到的可能不是一笔公平的交易 (2004.9.30)
    · A型性格的人比B型性格的人更容易抽烟上瘾 (2004.9.28)
    · 对性格冲动的人而言一旦抽烟就很难戒得掉 (2004.9.27)
    · 谈到设计屋顶花园,可自由发挥想象力 (2004.9.24)

    · 猫病得很严重时往往都能复原 (2004.9.23)
    · 遇到突发状况时必须有效地应对 (2004.9.22)
    · 媒体对伤残奥运的报导相当低调 (2004.9.21)
    · 墨非法则 (2004.9.20)
    · 花大钱买辆梦幻座车,所以钱务必要花得值得 (2004.9.16)

    · 鲍伯霍普获得的荣誉比任何一位艺人都多 (2004.9.15)
    · 鲍伯霍普天生是个话匣子 (2004.9.14)
    · 运用艺术家创作的风格 (2004.9.13)
    · 特效吸引观众看得目不转睛(语音) (2004.9.10)
    · 梅里叶是资深的幻觉大师(内附语音) (2004.9.9)

    · overstay one's welcome(内附语音讲解) (2004.9.8)
    · out of touch(内附语音讲解) (2004.7.15)
    · touch bottom(内附语音讲解) (2004.7.14)
    · touch and go(内附语音讲解) (2004.7.13)
    · touch wood(内附语音讲解) (2004.7.12)

    · drag one’s heels (2004.7.9)
    · take to one’s heels (2004.7.8)
    · down at-the-heel (2004.7.6)
    · cool one’s heels (2004.7.5)
    · out of line(内附语音讲解) (2004.7.1)

    · line of fire(内附语音讲解) (2004.6.29)
    · line one’s pockets (内附语音) (2004.6.23)
    · read between the lines(内服语音) (2004.6.23)
    · out to lunch (内附语音详解) (2004.6.21)
    · hard nut to crack(内附语音讲解) (2004.6.21)

    · eat one’s words (内附语音详解) (2004.6.2)
    · 抱怨无法挽回的事 (内附语音详解) (2004.6.2)
    · 露出真面目、本性 (内附语音详解) (2004.6.1)
    · 善意的谎言 white lie(内附语音) (2004.6.1)
    · 粗俗的 off-color (内附语音详解) (2004.5.31)

    · 意外地out of the blue(内附语音) (2004.5.31)
    · 冷酷无情heart of stone(内附语音) (2004.5.28)
    · 改变心意change of heart(内附语音) (2004.5.26)
    · 实际上 at heart (内附语音详解) (2004.5.26)
    · head in the clouds (内附语音讲解) (2004.5.21)

    · 栽跟头head over heels(内附语音) (2004.5.21)
    · 摆脱困难险境 (内服语音详细讲解) (2004.5.19)
    · 自满 自负 big head(内附语音详解) (2004.5.19)
    · 千方百计;想尽办法 (内附语音详解) (2004.5.18)
    · 讲理;接受劝告 Listen to reason (2004.5.18)

    · 延后 Hold off (内附语音详细讲解) (2004.5.18)
    · 没想到Little did one think(语音) (2004.5.18)
    · 过享乐的生活Live it up(内附语音) (2004.5.18)
    · 离去;出发 Get away (内附语音) (2004.5.18)
    · Come to one’s senses(内附语音) (2004.5.14)

    · 失去理性、控制 Lose one’s head (2004.5.14)
    · 千钧一发Close call(内附语音详解) (2004.5.11)
    · 失去控制 Get out of hand(语音) (2004.5.11)
    · 沉着;镇定 Presence of mind (2004.5.10)
    · 谨慎从事 Be on the safe side (2004.5.10)

    · 幽默感 Sense of humor(内附语音) (2004.5.9)
    · 粗浅 Skim the surface(内附语音) (2004.5.9)
    · 一笑置之 Laugh off(内附语音详解) (2004.5.8)
    · 提出 Bring up(内附语音详细讲解) (2004.5.6)
    · 广泛的,无聊的谈话 Small talk (2004.5.6)

    · 彼此彼此It takes one to(内附语音) (2004.4.30)
    · 爱找丑闻者 Muckraker(内附语音) (2004.4.30)
    · 跟…老实说 Level with someone (2004.4.22)
    · 走开 Show off (内附语音讲解) (2004.4.22)
    · 揭发隐私Mud–slinging(内附语音) (2004.4.21)

    · 谣传 Scuttlebutt (内附语音讲解) (2004.4.21)
    · 懂得…的诀窍Get the hang of(语音) (2004.4.20)
    · 做错 Slip up (内服语音详细讲解) (2004.4.20)
    · 简单地 In a nutshell(内附语音) (2004.4.16)
    · 小店 Hole-in-the-wall(内附语音) (2004.4.16)

    · 女服务员 Car hop (内附语音详解) (2004.4.15)
    · 没有 Nope (内附语音详细讲解) (2004.4.15)
    · 正确 Hit the nail on the head (2004.4.13)
    · 完成(某事)Crank (something) out (2004.4.13)
    · 开始做 Get cracking(内附语音) (2004.4.6)

    · 请客 On someone (内附语音讲解) (2004.4.6)
    · 准时 On the dot(内附语音讲解) (2004.4.5)
    · 忍痛离开 甩开 Tear oneself away (2004.4.5)
    · 喜好 Cup of tea (内附语音讲解) (2004.4.2)
    · 极度紧张 High-strung(内附语音) (2004.4.2)

    · Change one’s tune 改变某人想法 (2004.4.1)
    · Kick something around 思考某事 (2004.4.1)
    · 直接(right)Smack (内附语音讲解) (2004.3.31)
    · 过度肥胖是严重的问题(内附语音) (2004.3.31)
    · 她刚刚接受完保险业的密集训练课程 (2004.3.30)

    · 家、公寓 Pad (内附语音详细讲解) (2004.3.30)
    · 缴保费像是为未来急用预留的一笔钱 (2004.3.29)
    · 附加 Throw in(内附语音详细讲解) (2004.3.29)
    · 无附加条件 (内附语音详细讲解) (2004.3.26)
    · 曲线球不容易投好 (内附语音讲解) (2004.3.24)

    · Set one back 价格(内附语音讲解) (2004.3.24)
    · Rock-bottom 最低 (内附详细语音) (2004.3.23)
    · 他们只见树木却不见森林(内附语音) (2004.3.19)
    · Give up the ghost故障(内附语音) (2004.3.19)
    · Check out查看(内附语音详细说明) (2004.3.18)

    · Dirt cheap 非常便宜(附语音说明) (2004.3.17)
    · 事情已到了这种地步 还能怎么办呢 (2004.3.16)
    · 非常俚语:收回(内附详细语音讲解) (2004.3.15)
    · 非常短句:购车要货比三家才不吃亏 (2004.3.12)
    · 非常优秀的(内附详细语音讲解) (2004.3.12)

    · 价格下降促使新型车款采用最新装备 (2004.3.11)
    · 突然而来的怒火(内附详细语音讲解) (2004.3.11)
    · Spread oneself too thin/心力交瘁 (2004.3.5)
    · Burn the candle at both ends (2004.3.5)
    · Moonlight/兼职(附详细语音讲解) (2004.3.3)

    · 不入虎穴,焉得虎子(内附语音讲解) (2004.3.3)
    · Run-down/筋疲力尽(内附语音讲解) (2004.3.1)
    · Smoker's hack/经常吸烟者的毛病 (2004.2.23)
    · cause a stir/引起一阵骚动(语音) (2004.2.23)
    · Thumb through/匆匆的阅读(语音) (2004.2.19)

    · Pull through/脱险;渡过难关 (2004.2.13)
    · Touch and go/情势危急(语音讲解) (2004.2.11)
    · DOA/到达前死亡(附详细语音讲解) (2004.2.11)
    · Knock off/下班;减价(语音讲解) (2004.2.9)
    · Come out with/吐露;说出(语音) (2004.2.2)

    · Go out of one's way/竭力(语音) (2004.1.29)
    · Nail/逮捕(内附详细语音讲解) (2004.1.21)
    · Give someone a talking to/责备 (2004.1.21)
    · Mess around with/乱动(语音讲解) (2004.1.20)
    · Little monster(s)/小鬼(语音讲解) (2004.1.20)

    · Torch/纵火者(内附详细语音讲解) (2004.1.19)
    · Lose one's shirt/一文不值(语音) (2004.1.19)
    · Burn one up/使生气;激怒(语音) (2004.1.18)
    · Bloody/非常;很(内附语音讲解) (2004.1.17)
    · 处于无法后退的危险状况(语音讲解) (2004.1.15)

    · Pick up/进展(内附详细语音讲解) (2004.1.13)
    · Cocksure/过于自信;必定的(语音) (2003.12.29)
    · The tube/电视(内附详细语音讲解) (2003.12.26)
    · No way/决不(内附详细语音讲解) (2003.12.25)
    · Make/到达(内附详细语音讲解) (2003.12.24)

    · For heaven's sake!/老天!(语音) (2003.12.22)
    · From the word go/从头到尾(语音) (2003.12.18)
    · The birds and the bees/两性关系 (2003.12.15)
    · Be going on/将近(内附语音讲解) (2003.12.11)
    · Coop up/拘禁(内附详细语音讲解) (2003.12.10)

    · Stretch one's legs/散步(附语音) (2003.12.9)
    · start at one o'clock sharp(语音) (2003.12.5)
    · What's gotten into you/你怎么了 (2003.12.3)
    · Hit the sack/就寝(详细语音讲解) (2003.12.1)
    · Hurting/急需(内附详细语音讲解) (2003.10.30)

    · Hock/典当(附详细语音讲解) (2003.10.29)
    · Old goat/老古板(通常指年长者) (2003.10.27)
    · Stay put/停住不动(附语音讲解) (2003.10.22)
    · Psycho/精神病患者(附语音讲解) (2003.10.21)
    · Off one's rocker/缺乏理智(语音) (2003.10.20)

    · Peeping Tom/窥视狂(附语音讲解) (2003.10.17)
    · Get down/沮丧(附详细语音讲解) (2003.10.16)
    · Jump down someone's throat(语音) (2003.10.15)
    · Sit around on one's ass/懒惰 (2003.10.14)
    · 误会/Take one wrong(附语音讲解) (2003.10.13)

    · Flat broke/十足破产(附语音讲解) (2003.10.10)
    · Make it snappy/快点(附语音讲解) (2003.10.10)
    · Palsy-walsy/行为亲密的朋友(语音) (2003.10.9)
    · faced the music/报应(附语音讲解) (2003.10.9)
    · Shoot/说命令(附详细语音讲解) (2003.10.9)

    · Jump the gun/过早行动;过早起步 (2003.10.8)
    · Buck/美元(附详细语音讲解) (2003.10.8)
    · roll up their sleeves and work (2003.9.11)
    · Hard pressed/经济拮据(语音讲解) (2003.8.29)
    · Out of the question/决无可能 (2003.8.28)

    · Part with/放弃;卖掉(附语音讲解) (2003.8.27)
    · Large order/困难的工作(附语音) (2003.8.26)
    · Do one's part/尽本份(附语音讲解) (2003.8.25)
    · At least/至少(附详细语音讲解) (2003.8.22)
    · I think they're onto something (2003.8.21)

    · On no account/决不(附语音讲解) (2003.8.20)
    · Nothing short of/无异于(附语音) (2003.8.19)
    · 不行/Nothing doing(附语音讲解) (2003.8.18)
    · Tear-jerker/让人掉泪的电影或戏剧 (2003.8.15)
    · Very tongue in cheek/嘲讽挖苦 (2003.8.14)

    · Catch/看…(附详细语音讲解) (2003.8.13)
    · Feel like doing/想做什么(附语音) (2003.8.12)
    · In keeping with/合乎传统(惯例) (2003.8.11)
    · On thin ice/处于危险状态(附语音) (2003.8.8)
    · On purpose/故意(附语音讲解) (2003.8.6)

    · To hedge your bets/两面下注 (2003.8.5)
    · Wallflower/壁花(附语音讲解) (2003.8.4)
    · Fall through/终归失败(附语音) (2003.8.1)
    · Fill up/装满(附语音讲解) (2003.7.30)
    · Drive-in/免下车的(附语音讲解) (2003.7.29)

    · No go/白费心机(附语音讲解) (2003.7.28)
    · Wet one's whistle/解渴(附语音) (2003.7.24)
    · Hit the spot/合意(附语音讲解) (2003.7.23)
    · All in all/一般说来(附语音讲解) (2003.7.22)
    · Go into depth/讨论深入(附语音) (2003.7.21)

    · Cloud over/晴转多云(附语音讲解) (2003.7.18)
    · Sleep in/睡过头(附语音讲解) (2003.7.17)
    · Make the most of/充分利用 (2003.7.16)
    · Turn off/关掉(附语音讲解) (2003.7.15)
    · Wide awake/十分清醒(附语音讲解) (2003.7.14)

    · To bug one/使某人懊恼(附语音) (2003.7.11)
    · On the tip of one's tongue (2003.7.10)
    · Come out/放映(附语音讲解) (2003.7.9)
    · Make a hit/受欢迎(附语音讲解) (2003.7.8)
    · Turn up/开大音量(附语音讲解) (2003.7.7)

    · Leaf through/大致看看(附语音) (2003.7.4)
    · Lose oneself/热衷于(附语音讲解) (2003.7.3)
    · Feel low/意气消沉(附语音讲解) (2003.7.2)
    · Blue/忧郁或担忧(附语音讲解) (2003.7.1)
    · Leave alone/独处(附语音讲解) (2003.6.30)

    · Give one the cold shoulder/冷淡 (2003.6.27)
    · Eating one/使人不安(附语音讲解) (2003.6.26)
    · go away/离开(附语音讲解) (2003.6.25)
    · Be fresh out of/供应完毕(附语音) (2003.6.24)
    · Have a good time/玩得高兴 (2003.6.23)

    · Make an appearance/出席(附语音) (2003.6.20)
    · How goes it/情况如何(附语音讲解) (2003.6.19)
    · Will thank you to/拜托(附语音) (2003.6.18)
    · Grow up/长大(附语音讲解) (2003.6.17)
    · Go from bad to worse/每况愈下 (2003.6.16)

    · Four-letter word/低俗的字眼 (2003.6.13)
    · Take it or leave it/接受或拒绝 (2003.6.12)
    · To boot/另外(附语音讲解) (2003.6.11)
    · Throw in/额外奉送(附语音讲解) (2003.6.10)
    · Take one's fancy/投合心意 (2003.6.9)

    · In the clouds/心不在焉(附语音) (2003.6.6)
    · Thanks to/由于(附语音讲解) (2003.6.5)
    · Elbow grease/费力的工作(附语音) (2003.6.4)
    · The lion's share/大部分(附语音) (2003.6.3)
    · Not lift a finger/毫不帮忙 (2003.6.2)

    · Break even/变成损益平衡(附语音) (2003.5.30)
    · Break the bank/赢很多钱(附语音) (2003.5.29)
    · Win hands down/轻易获胜(附语音) (2003.5.28)
    · All of a sudden/突然(附语音讲解) (2003.5.27)
    · Paint the town red/狂欢(附语音) (2003.5.26)

    · Tell apart/分辨(附语音讲解) (2003.5.23)
    · At first glance/乍看(附语音讲解) (2003.5.22)
    · Take with a grain of salt/听话 (2003.5.21)
    · Take for/误认(附语音讲解) (2003.5.20)
    · Take sth for granted/视为当然 (2003.5.19)

    · day in and day out/日日夜夜 (2003.5.16)
    · Run into/总计(附语音讲解) (2003.5.15)
    · Pretty penny/很多钱(附语音讲解) (2003.5.14)
    · Warm up/做准备运动(附语音讲解) (2003.5.13)
    · See to it/留意必定做(附语音讲解) (2003.5.12)

    · Settle up/把帐付清(附语音讲解) (2003.5.9)
    · In advance/事先(附语音讲解) (2003.5.8)
    · Have a soft spot for/偏爱 (2003.5.7)
    · Put one's best foot forward (2003.5.6)
    · Draw the line/限制(附语音讲解) (2003.4.30)

    · Put oneself in/设身处地为人着想 (2003.4.29)
    · At wit's end/江郎才尽(附语音) (2003.4.28)
    · Take the wind out of one's sails (2003.4.25)
    · Be in charge of/掌理(附语音讲解) (2003.4.24)
    · Jump on/痛斥(附语音讲解) (2003.4.23)

    · Set one's teeth on edge/厌烦 (2003.4.22)
    · See eye to eye/意见完全一致 (2003.4.21)
    · Run through/详述(附语音讲解) (2003.4.18)
    · Pick up/用车接某人(附语音讲解) (2003.4.17)
    · On foot/徒步(附语音讲解) (2003.4.16)

    · Break down/故障(附语音讲解) (2003.4.15)
    · Get underway/启程(附语音讲解) (2003.4.14)
    · Mind/反对(附语音讲解) (2003.4.11)
    · Catch one's eye/吸引某人的注意 (2003.4.10)
    · Out of this world/绝妙的(附讲解) (2003.4.9)

    · Out of shape/身体不好(附讲解) (2003.4.7)
    · Take it out of/使筋疲力尽 (2003.4.4)
    · Wear out/使疲倦(附语音讲解) (2003.4.3)
    · Hush-hush/谨慎保密(附语音讲解) (2003.4.2)
    · Sitting pretty/处境可羡(附讲解) (2003.4.1)

    · Get the jump on/抢先(附语音讲解) (2003.3.31)
    · Keep under one's hat/坚守秘密 (2003.3.28)
    · Let one in on/分享(附语音讲解) (2003.3.27)
    · Let the cat out of the bag/泄秘 (2003.3.26)
    · Throw off the track/迷失方向 (2003.3.25)

    · Get wind of/探出(附语音讲解) (2003.3.24)
    · In a flash/瞬间(附语音讲解) (2003.3.20)
    · Pushover/易做之事(附语音讲解) (2003.3.19)
    · Turn one's head/冲昏头脑(附讲解) (2003.3.18)
    · Do one justice/公正评价(附讲解) (2003.3.17)

    · Sour grapes/酸葡萄心理(附讲解) (2003.3.14)
    · Talk out of/使不做(附语音讲解) (2003.3.13)
    · Beat one to it/抢先一步(附讲解) (2003.3.12)
    · Have one's heart set on/渴望 (2003.3.11)
    · Big deal/小题大做(附语音讲解) (2003.3.10)

    · Out of practice/技能退步(附讲解) (2003.3.7)
    · Be Greek to/莫名其妙的事 (2003.3.6)
    · An old hand/老手(附语音讲解) (2003.3.5)
    · Make sense out of/了解(附讲解) (2003.3.4)
    · Know a thing or two about/精明的 (2003.3.3)

    · Call one's own/属于自己所有 (2003.2.28)
    · Live out of a suitcase/携带行李 (2003.2.27)
    · Hear from/由…接到信(附语音讲解) (2003.2.26)
    · Sight for sore eyes/令人高兴的人 (2003.2.25)
    · Let bygones be bygones/既往不咎 (2003.2.24)

    · Quiet down/安静下来(附语音讲解) (2003.2.21)
    · Up in arms/生气(附语音讲解) (2003.2.20)
    · Not on your life/决不 (2003.2.19)
    · Take a turn for the better/好转 (2003.2.18)
    · She really went to town (2003.2.17)

    · Too bad/遗憾(附语音讲解) (2003.2.17)
    · Have on one's mind/担心 (2003.2.14)
    · Feel up to/能做(附语音讲解) (2003.2.13)
    · Make oneself at home/使感舒适 (2003.2.12)
    · Bring around/访问(附语音讲解) (2003.2.11)

    · Brings to mind/忆起(附语音讲解) (2003.2.10)
    · Give birth to/生小孩(附语音讲解) (2003.2.9)
    · In seventh heaven/欢天喜地 (2003.2.8)
    · The last straw/忍耐的极限 (2003.2.4)
    · The pot calling the kettle black (2003.2.2)

    · Run/继续进行(附语音讲解) (2003.1.30)
    · Blow one's lines/忘记台词 (2003.1.29)
    · Wet behind the ears/未经世故 (2003.1.28)
    · Do not think much of (2003.1.27)
    · Time is of the essence (2003.1.24)

    · Pass the buck/推卸责任 (2003.1.24)
    · Palm off...on/以废品欺骗 (2003.1.23)
    · Throw one out/逐出(附语音讲解) (2003.1.22)
    · Eat one out of house and home (2003.1.21)
    · Wear out one's welcome/客人逗留太久 (2003.1.20)

    · Do one in/使……力竭(附语音讲解) (2003.1.17)
    · Do with/有…就满足(附语音讲解) (2003.1.16)
    · Close in on/包围(附语音讲解) (2003.1.15)
    · Have a thing about/特别讨厌(附语音讲解) (2003.1.14)
    · Pull a long face/拉长脸(附语音讲解) (2003.1.10)

    · Made of money/富有(附语音讲解) (2003.1.9)
    · Hold one's tongue/保持沉默(附讲解) (2003.1.7)
    · Come to blows/开始互殴(附语音讲解) (2003.1.6)
    · Shoo-in/必胜者(附语音讲解) (2003.1.3)
    · Take the lead/领先(附语音讲解) (2003.1.2)

    · Own up to/承认(附语音讲解) (2002.12.31)
    · Put two and two together/综合而知 (2002.12.30)
    · Catch red-handed/当场抓到 (2002.12.27)
    · Take something out on/向…滥发脾气 (2002.12.26)
    · Have it in for/对…憎恨(附语音讲解) (2002.12.25)

    · Do not know what to make of (2002.12.24)
    · Pain in the neck/极讨厌的人或事 (2002.12.23)
    · Put heads together/聚首商洽 (2002.12.20)
    · To come to grips with/面对 (2002.12.19)
    · Out of commission/没有工作 (2002.12.18)

    · Good for nothing/没有出息的人 (2002.12.17)
    · Make both ends meet/量入为出 (2002.12.16)
    · There's nothing to it/轻而易举 (2002.12.13)
    · Change one's tune/改变作风(附讲解) (2002.12.12)
    · Hand it to one/承认某人的伟大(附讲解) (2002.12.11)

    · Bite one's head off/不客气地答复 (2002.12.10)
    · On the warpath/盛怒(附语音讲解) (2002.12.9)
    · Lie down on the job/轻忽职务(附讲解) (2002.12.6)
    · Be hard on/对…苛刻(附语音讲解) (2002.12.5)
    · What's more/此外(附语音讲解) (2002.12.4)

    · Come down with/因…生病(附语音讲解) (2002.12.3)
    · Give up/放弃 (2002.12.2)
    · Bear in mind/切记 (2002.11.29)
    · Kick out/逐出 (2002.11.28)
    · On the contrary/相反地 (2002.11.27)

    · Be on one's toes/机警的 (2002.11.26)
    · As far as/据…所知 (2002.11.25)
    · From time to time/有时 (2002.11.22)
    · Have a word with/与…讨论 (2002.11.21)
    · Tied up/极其忙碌 (2002.11.20)

    · Put off/延期 (2002.11.19)
    · Up a tree/处于困境 (2002.11.18)
    · Be done with/做完 (2002.11.15)
    · Bog down/穷途末路 (2002.11.14)
    · Work wonders/创造奇迹 (2002.11.13)

    · Not make heads or tails of/茫然 (2002.11.11)
    · Have a crush on/迷恋… (2002.11.8)
    · Pay one's respects/向…问候 (2002.11.7)
    · Not be keen about/对…不热衷 (2002.11.6)
    · Put in an appearance/出席 (2002.11.5)

    · Big shot/大人物 (2002.11.4)
    · At stake/濒临危险 (2002.11.1)
    · Shake off/去掉 (2002.10.30)
    · Get rid of/除去 (2002.10.29)
    · Under the weather/身体不适 (2002.10.28)

    · Rub one the wrong way/惹怒 (2002.10.25)
    · Think the world of/喜爱 (2002.10.24)
    · Work one's way/一边做事一边 (2002.10.23)
    · Make one's mark/出名 (2002.10.22)
    · Pop the question/求婚 (2002.10.21)

    · Worship the ground/极度喜爱 (2002.10.18)
    · Take a liking to/爱好 (2002.10.17)
    · Hit it off/志趣相投 (2002.10.16)
    · Have a good mind to/考虑做,或许会… (2002.10.15)
    · In good hands/得力助手 (2002.10.11)

    · work as/从事……职业(配语音讲解) (2002.10.10)
    · Give one the jitters/使某人精神紧张 (2002.10.10)
    · act like sth/表现得……(配语音) (2002.10.9)
    · Keep one's eyes open/注意 (2002.10.9)
    · Live up to/遵从…行动 (2002.10.8)

    · Eat out/上馆子 (2002.10.7)
    · Nothing to write home about/不值一提 (2002.10.5)
    · give off/发出;散发(配语音讲解) (2002.10.4)
    · Up to par/合乎标准 (2002.10.4)
    · Break one's word/食言 (2002.10.3)

    · a long way from/绝非(配语音讲解) (2002.10.3)
    · Get in touch with/和…联络 (2002.9.30)
    · believe it or not/信不信由你(配语音) (2002.9.29)
    · Come up/提起;成话题 (2002.9.29)
    · Stand one up/让某人等待;失约 (2002.9.28)

    · Get a move on/赶快 (2002.9.27)
    · in the same breath/同时(配语音讲解) (2002.9.26)
    · come into play/起作用(配语音讲解) (2002.9.26)
    · Pokey/迟钝 (2002.9.26)
    · come true/实现(配语音讲解) (2002.9.25)

    · Put one on edge/使……紧张 (2002.9.25)
    · kick out/赶出,逐出(配语音讲解) (2002.9.24)
    · Make a last minute dash/最后冲刺 (2002.9.24)
    · but in fact/但说真的(配语音讲解) (2002.9.24)
    · Take it easy/放轻松 (2002.9.23)

    · not to put it past one/相信某人会 (2002.9.20)
    · up to sb/由某人来定(配语音讲解) (2002.9.19)
    · catch on/理解 (2002.9.19)
    · soon after/不久之后(配语音讲解) (2002.9.18)
    · pay attention/注意 (2002.9.18)

    · Hey Felix, You're Up/惊奇上天堂 (2002.9.18)
    · contrary to/与……相反(配语音) (2002.9.17)
    · on top of/了若指掌 (2002.9.17)
    · hold on to/紧抓住(配语音讲解) (2002.9.16)
    · slave driver/严厉的人 (2002.9.16)

    · by no means/决不(配语音讲解) (2002.9.16)
    · to be a breeze/轻而易举的(配语音) (2002.9.13)
    · do sb. good /对人有好处(配语音) (2002.9.13)
    · Talk into/说服 (2002.9.13)
    · What's the big deal(配语音讲解) (2002.9.12)

    · Behind the times/落伍 (2002.9.12)
    · Split up/分开 (2002.9.11)
    · the former…the latter…/前者……,后者…… (2002.9.10)
    · The talk of the town/热门话题 (2002.9.10)
    · Drop/不提 (2002.9.9)

    · let go/放开;松开 (2002.9.5)
    · As a matter of fact/事实上 (2002.9.5)
    · Go to show/说明 (2002.9.4)
    · in twos and threes/三三两两 (2002.9.4)
    · Kill time/消磨时间 (2002.9.3)

    · take in/观赏 (2002.9.2)
    · care about/在乎,关心 (2002.9.2)
    · white lie/善意的谎言 (2002.8.30)
    · Hang around/闲荡,徘徊 (2002.8.29)
    · come across/遇到,发现 (2002.8.28)

    · Mean well/好意 (2002.8.28)
    · Get on one's nerves/使人精神紧张 (2002.8.27)
    · Blow one's top/发脾气 (2002.8.26)
    · for a change/改变一下 (2002.8.26)
    · Get at/暗示 (2002.8.25)

    · Nosey/好管闲事的 (2002.8.23)
    · odd-looking/看起来奇怪的 (2002.8.23)
    · get going/出发,着手 (2002.8.22)
    · put on/播放;穿戴 (2002.8.22)
    · take off one's hands/解除某人的…… (2002.8.21)

    · On the other hand/另一方面来看 (2002.8.20)
    · hit the jackpot/中头彩;大获全胜 (2002.8.19)
    · Think nothing of/不在乎 (2002.8.16)
    · take away/带走,拿走 (2002.8.16)
    · Catch up on/达到适当的标准 (2002.8.15)

    · rely on/信赖;信任 (2002.8.15)
    · Stick around/在附近逗留 (2002.8.14)
    · carry out/执行;进行 (2002.8.14)
    · Give someone a lift/让(某人)搭便车 (2002.8.13)
    · leave behind/留下 (2002.8.13)

    · Call it a day/停止工作 (2002.8.12)
    · Put one up/允许(某人)逗留在(某人)家中 (2002.8.9)
    · Give notice/通知;预告 (2002.8.8)
    · as for…/至于…… (2002.8.7)
    · Have in mind/欲;计划 (2002.8.7)

    · Come up with/提供;赶上 (2002.8.6)
    · Feather in one's cap/(某人)引以为傲之物 (2002.8.2)
    · for one’s life/拚命地;逃命般 (2002.8.2)
    · Get something over with/结束 (2002.8.1)
    · Hold one's own/可与……匹敌 (2002.7.31)

    · Bite off more than one can chew/承担超乎个人能力的事 (2002.7.30)
    · Step on it/加快速度;赶紧 (2002.7.29)
    · Have to do with与……有关 (2002.7.26)
    · Know the ropes/懂得运用的秘诀 (2002.7.25)
    · Have one's hands full/非常忙碌 (2002.7.24)

    · Born yesterday/易上当的 (2002.7.23)
    · Buy/听信、采纳或接受 (2002.7.22)
    · Drop by/偶访 (2002.7.18)
    · set…right/弄正;解决问题 (2002.7.18)
    · From the horse's mouth/听到确实的消息 (2002.7.17)

    · Bullshit/胡说 (2002.7.16)
    · when it comes to/说到…… (2002.7.15)
    · Can/解雇 (2002.7.15)
    · Have words(with someone)/(和某人)争吵 (2002.7.12)
    · No way/决不,不行 (2002.7.12)

    · Cat got your tongue/猫咬住你的舌头吗? (2002.7.11)
    · Give someone the gate/解聘 (2002.7.10)
    · Cry over spilled milk/为不可挽回的事烦恼 (2002.7.9)
    · believe in/信仰 (2002.7.9)
    · Racket/工作,职业 (2002.7.8)

    · fall in love/恋爱 (2002.7.5)
    · wear off/消退 (2002.7.3)
    · Drag/无聊 (2002.7.2)
    · What's the good word/有什么消息吗 (2002.7.1)
    · right away/立刻;马上 (2002.7.1)

    · Scare the pants off of one/惧怕 (2002.6.28)
    · Dead duck/死鸭子 (2002.6.27)
    · wander off/偏离原处;离群走散 (2002.6.27)
    · Barrel/快速前进 (2002.6.26)
    · take place/举行;发生 (2002.6.26)

    · Close call/九死一生 (2002.6.25)
    · play jokes on/戏弄 (2002.6.25)
    · as white as a sheet/像纸一样白 (2002.6.24)
    · Shake-down/敲诈,勒索 (2002.6.21)
    · according to sth./依照 (2002.6.20)

    · Mob/匪徒 (2002.6.20)
    · What's going down/发生什么事 (2002.6.19)
    · Hit/打劫 (2002.6.18)
    · Bite the bullet/忍耐 (2002.6.17)
    · Spat/吵嘴 (2002.6.14)

    · make up for sth/弥补;补偿 (2002.6.14)
    · Like cats and dogs/激烈地 (2002.6.13)
    · work out/解决 (2002.6.13)
    · Down in the dumps/沮丧,忧虑 (2002.6.12)
    · Beyond one/无法想像的 (2002.6.11)

    · Busted/逮捕 (2002.6.10)
    · Rat race/疯狂竞赛 (2002.6.7)
    · in common/共同的 (2002.6.7)
    · play host to/做主办者 (2002.6.6)
    · Double/双份 (2002.6.6)

    · Bitching/棒极了 (2002.6.5)
    · come across/碰见;偶遇 (2002.6.4)
    · Swing something/设法,实现 (2002.6.4)
    · Loaded/有钱的 (2002.6.3)
    · let sb. in on sth/把某事透露给某人 (2002.6.3)

    · Stud/服装整齐的男士 (2002.5.31)
    · be skeptical about/对…感到怀疑 (2002.5.31)
    · Lemon/破旧的东西 (2002.5.30)
    · Give something' a go/试试 (2002.5.29)
    · at stake/濒临危险 (2002.5.29)

    · to date/至今 (2002.5.28)
    · Warm up/开动引擎使机器温热 (2002.5.28)
    · Clothes do not make the man (2002.5.27)
    · Clothes do not make the man/衣冠不能造人品;别以貌取人 (2002.5.27)
    · Clunker/破损的 (2002.5.27)

    · In a flash/瞬间 (2002.5.24)
    · Give someone the ax/解雇 (2002.5.24)
    · Push the panic button/惊慌 (2002.5.23)
    · heat up/变热 (2002.5.23)
    · It's just the icing on the cake (2002.5.23)

    · In stitches/大笑 (2002.5.22)
    · turn into/变成 (2002.5.22)
    · She’s at the end of her rope (2002.5.21)
    · Go on/继续 (2002.5.21)
    · Simmer down/冷静 (2002.5.21)

    · Off-colored/卑俗的 (2002.5.20)
    · Filthy rich/很有钱;富有的 (2002.5.17)
    · Break down/温和,不固执 (2002.5.16)
    · 事实胜于雄辩 (2002.5.15)
    · As matter as sb. be concerned (2002.5.15)

    · Swallow/相信 (2002.5.15)
    · Carry on/不断做某事 (2002.5.14)
    · Macho/雄纠纠的 (2002.5.13)
    · Lay off sth/停止做某事,停止喝、吃 (2002.5.10)
    · Face it/认了 (2002.5.10)

    · 习语:老狗学不会新把戏 (2002.5.9)
    · Stick to/遵行 (2002.5.9)
    · Use your head/用用你的脑子 (2002.5.8)
    · Throw in the towel/投掷毛巾 (2002.5.8)
    · Peep/出声 (2002.4.30)

    · lose weight/减肥 (2002.4.30)
    · Clobber/打 (2002.4.29)
    · in time/最后;最终 (2002.4.29)
    · Fresh/轻浮 (2002.4.28)
    · Beat it/滚开 (2002.4.27)

    · It’s better to be safe than sorry (2002.4.27)
    · What are you driving at? (2002.4.26)
    · Shiner/黑眼圈 (2002.4.26)
    · They were at odds/他们意见不合 (2002.4.25)
    · Get lost/走开 (2002.4.25)

    · She gave him a good dressing down (2002.4.24)
    · Twist/转机 (2002.4.24)
    · in suspense/紧张状态 (2002.4.24)
    · On a shoestring(budget)/低成本 (2002.4.23)
    · burn the midnight oil/挑灯夜战 (2002.4.23)

    · He’s not afraid to speak his mind (2002.4.22)
    · Baloney/无意义的话 (2002.4.22)
    · Think nothing of/不在乎 (2002.4.22)
    · Flick/片子 (2002.4.19)
    · Catch up on/达到适当的标准 (2002.4.19)

    · Do it on your own time (2002.4.19)
    · Stick around/在附近逗留 (2002.4.18)
    · He made a big stink about it (2002.4.18)
    · Second thought/想想 (2002.4.17)
    · Give someone a lift/让某人搭便车 (2002.4.17)

    · I smell a rat/我觉得事情不妙 (2002.4.17)
    · It’s in the lap of the gods (2002.4.16)
    · Call it a day/停止工作 (2002.4.16)
    · Blow in /into到 (2002.4.15)
    · Lose track of/失去联系 (2002.4.15)

    · Stake out/监视 (2002.4.12)
    · put away/整理;收拾 (2002.4.11)
    · Con/骗 (2002.4.11)
    · jail-bird/罪犯 (2002.4.10)
    · mix…with/把…与…混合 (2002.4.10)

    · Ex-con/前科犯 (2002.4.9)
    · get going/出发,着手 (2002.4.9)
    · 捷进作文能力--叙述文Narration (2002.4.5)
    · 捷进作文能力--描写文Description (2002.4.2)
    · 活用美国俚语--二册第6课 (2002.3.28)

    · 生活美语:Going to a Movie (2002.3.25)
    · 活用美国俚语--三册第6课 (2002.3.21)
    · 捷进作文能力--说明文比较法与对比法 (2002.3.20)
    · 生活美语:At the Supermarket (2002.3.19)
    · 捷进作文能力--说明文类比法 (2002.3.15)

    · 活用美国俚语--一册第5课 (2002.3.14)
    · 捷进作文能力--说明文分析法 (2002.3.12)
    · 生活美语:Checking in at a Hotel (2002.3.11)
    · 捷进作文能力--说明文分类法 (2002.3.8)
    · 活用美国俚语--二册第5课 (2002.3.7)

    · 捷进作文能力--说明文例说法 (2002.3.6)
    · 生活美语:The First Day at Work (2002.3.5)
    · 捷进作文能力--说明文定义法 (2002.3.1)
    · 捷进作文能力--说明文Exposition (2002.2.27)
    · 捷进作文能力--作文概论 (2002.2.26)

    · 活用美国俚语--三册第5课 (2002.2.25)
    · 活用美国俚语--一册第4课 (2002.2.21)
    · 生活美语:At the Airlines 在航空公司 (2002.2.16)
    · 生活美语:Purchasing a Watch/买手表 (2002.2.14)
    · 商贸英语:价格与付款条件 (2002.2.10)

    · 活用美国俚语:三册第4课 (2002.2.9)
    · 生活美语:At the Circus 在马戏团 (2002.2.4)
    · 活用美国俚语:一册第3课 (2002.2.1)
    · 生活美语: Applying for a Job 应征工作 (2002.2.1)
    · 活用美国俚语:二册第3课 (2002.1.31)

    · 活用美国俚语:三册第3课 (2002.1.29)
    · 活用美国俚语:一册第2课 (2002.1.24)
    · 活用美国俚语:二册第2课 (2002.1.24)
    · 活用美国俚语:三册第2课 (2002.1.24)
    · 生活美语:A Birthday Surprise 生日惊喜 (2002.1.24)

    · 生活美语:Table Manners 餐桌礼仪 (2002.1.23)
    · 生活美语:Climbing Mountain 爬山 (2002.1.23)
    · 商贸英语:At the factory 在工厂里 (2002.1.23)
    · 商贸英语:At the Showroom 在展示厅 (2002.1.23)
    · 活用美国俚语:三册第1课 (2002.1.23)

    · 活用美国俚语:二册第1课 (2002.1.23)
    · 活用美国俚语:一册第1课 (2002.1.23)
    · 商贸英语:At the Trade Show 国际商展 (2002.1.23)
    · 生活美语:Out of Work 失业 (2002.1.23)
    · 生活美语:An Opening Party 开幕酒会 (2002.1.23)

    · 生活美语:Fixing Dinner 准备晚餐 (2002.1.23)
    · 生活美语:Morning Jogging 晨跑 (2002.1.23)

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